Hands Quotes

Text Quotes
It takes so little to make a child happy, that it is a pity in a world full of sunshine and pleasant things, that there should be any wistful faces, empty hands, or lonely little hearts (Hands Quotes)
Our actions are in our own hands, but the consequences of them are not. Remember that, my dear, and think twice before you do anything (Hands Quotes)
If we can’t think for ourselves, if we’re unwilling to question authority, then we’re just putty in the hands of those in power (Hands Quotes)
You can bind my body, tie my hands, govern my actions: you are the strongest, and society adds to your power; but with my will, sir, you can do nothing (Hands Quotes)
We kiss again and this time, it feels familiar. I know exactly how we fit together, his arm around my waist, my hands on his chest, the pressure of his lips on mine. We have each other memorized (Hands Quotes)
Turns me on so loud it’s like no sound, everybody yelling at me hands over their ears from behind a glass wall, faces working around in talk circles but no sound from the mouths. my sound soaks up all other sound (Hands Quotes)
It is not a garment I cast off this day, but a skin that I tear with my own hands (Hands Quotes)
I imagined what it would be like to hold a butterfly in your hands something bejeweled and treasured and to know that despite your devotion it was dying by degrees (Hands Quotes)
Contrary to what we may have been taught to think, unnecessary and unchosen suffering wounds us but need not scar us for life. It does mark us. What we allow the mark of our suffering to become is in our own hands (Hands Quotes)
That was when we smelled the rain. It was so strong it seemed like more than just a smell. When we stretched out our hands we could practically feel it rising up from the ground. I don’t know how a person could ever describe that scent (Hands Quotes)
My heart is very much alive and in your hands. Do your best not to destroy it. You are very lucky it isn’t it my hands... The only thing I know to do with hearts is incinerate them! Ouch! (Hands Quotes)
I want him to see the flowers in my eyes and hear the songs in my hands (Hands Quotes)
And money, if the pile gets high enough, is something like a big political party: it does as much harm as it does good, it puts too much power in too few hands, and the closer you come to it the dirtier you get (Hands Quotes)
I wash my hands, wonder how an awful day could turn even worse. It seems like at some point you’d just run out of awful (Hands Quotes)
In each of us, two natures are at war – the good and the evil. All our lives the fight goes on between them, and one of them must conquer. But in our own hands lies the power to choose – what we want most to be we are (Hands Quotes)
The water crumbles on it’s way down as my hands and feet push me forward. The world is lightening, taking shape, and turning to color. It feels like it’s being painted around me (Hands Quotes)
And then everything was in the hands of gravity, which has never had much love for the terminally stupid (Hands Quotes)
Too often we take notes on writing, we think about writing but never do it. I want you to walk into the heart of the storm, written words dripping off hair, eyelids, hanging from hands (Hands Quotes)
For our people, butterflies are a symbol of hope. It’s said that if you capture one in your hands and whisper your dreams to it, it will carry them up to the heavens so that the wish can be granted (Hands Quotes)
Man has it all in his hands, and it all slips through his fingers from sheer cowardice (Hands Quotes)
The point is not for women simply to take power out of men’s hands, since that wouldn’t change anything about the world. It’s a question precisely of destroying that notion of power (Hands Quotes)
I was raised among books, making invisible friends in pages that seemed cast from dust and whose smell I carry on my hands to this day (Hands Quotes)
I couldn’t escape him, now or ever. He’d always be there, consuming my every thought, my heart locked in his hands. I was drawn to him by forces I couldn’t control, let alone escape (Hands Quotes)
Knowledge is a tool, and like all tools, its impact is in the hands of the user (Hands Quotes)
He was like a shooting star you tried to catch with your hands. She would only get burned (Hands Quotes)
Ethan: I love you, I whispered in her ear. She held my face in her hands and leaned back so she could look at me. Lena: I don’t think I could ever love anything the way I love you (Hands Quotes)
Water is the exile, carried back in cans and flasks, the ghost between your hands and your mouth (Hands Quotes)
In the desert the most loved waters, like a lover’s name, are carried blue in your hands, enter your throat. One swallows absence (Hands Quotes)
There is something about the state putting the power to bully into the hands of subnormal, sadistic apes that makes my blood boil (Hands Quotes)
Read absolutely everything you get your hands on because you’ll never know where you’ll get an idea from (Hands Quotes)