Hands Quotes

Text Quotes
The heart of silver falls ever into the hands of brass. The sensitive herb is eaten as grass by the swine (Hands Quotes)
Then did she lift her hands unto his chin, and praised the pretty dimpling of his skin (Hands Quotes)
View not this spire by measure given, to buildings raised by common hands; that fabric rises high as heaven, whose basis on devotion stands (Hands Quotes)
It cannot be denied but outward accidents conduce much to fortune’s favor, opportunity, death of others, occasion fitting virtue; but chiefly the mould of a man’s fortune is in his own hands (Hands Quotes)
High on the world, see where religion stands and bears the open volume in her hands (Hands Quotes)
Revenge, which, like envy, is an instinct of justice, does but take into its own hands the execution of that natural law which precedes the social (Hands Quotes)
A wound will perhaps become tolerable with length of time; but wounds which are raw shudder at the touch of the hands (Hands Quotes)
Mouths without hands; maintained at vast expense, in peace a charge, in war a weak defense: Stout once a month they march, a blustering band, and ever, but in times of need, at hand (Hands Quotes)
The future of society is in the hands of the mothers. If the world was lost through woman, she alone can save it (Hands Quotes)
Are the tools without, which the carpenter put forth his hands to, or are they and all the carpentry within himself; and would he not smile at the notion that chest or house is more than he? (Hands Quotes)
The hearts that dare are quick to feel; the hands that wound are soft to heal (Hands Quotes)
And when no longer we can see thee, may we reach out our hands, and find thee leading us through death to immortality and glory (Hands Quotes)
An oath! Why, it is the traffic of the soul, it is law within a man; the seal of faith, the bond of every conscience; unto whom we set our thoughts like hands (Hands Quotes)
Pleasures are ever in our hands or eyes; and when in act they cease, in prospect rise (Hands Quotes)
Nothing lies on our hands with such uneasiness as time. Wretched and thoughtless creatures! In the only place where covetousness were a virtue we turn prodigals (Hands Quotes)
Life will frequently languish, even in the hands of the busy, if they have not some employment subsidiary to that which forms their main pursuit (Hands Quotes)
Ah, how quickly the hands on the clock circle toward the future we thought was far away! And how soon we become our mothers (Hands Quotes)
His hands struck her any hour of the day, like hands that strike a clock, whether early, whether late; they strike, they strike (Hands Quotes)
We wring our hands over the miscarriages of technology and take its benefactions for granted. We are dismayed by air pollution but not proportionately cheered up by, say, the virtual abolition of poliomyelitis (Hands Quotes)
At the first stages of negotiations, we will not release prisoners with blood on their hands. However, as part of a final agreement, I do not rule out this option. Offering hope for a better future is more important than grieving the past (Hands Quotes)
The place to improve the world is first in one’s own heart and head and hands (Hands Quotes)
The time has come when advertising in some hands has reached the status of a science (Hands Quotes)
Why, then, are my hands red with the blood of so many dead? Is this where I was mislead? (Hands Quotes)
But how will I eat cake if my head is over there, and my hands are over here? (Hands Quotes)
I now, weak, old, diseased, poor, dying, hold still my soul in my hands, and I regret nothing (Hands Quotes)
Harvard just took that option out of our hands. He is truly on his own now (Hands Quotes)
The great purpose in life is to take your destiny out of the hands of others (Hands Quotes)
There are feet to steady, hands to grasp, minds to encourage, hearts to inspire, and souls to save (Hands Quotes)
Have we not the brains to think? Hands to work? Hearts to feel? And lives to live? (Hands Quotes)
The only thing that we have earned at the hands of perfect justice is perfect punishment (Hands Quotes)