Hands Quotes

Text Quotes
Here ends another day, during which I have had eyes, ears, hands and the great world around me. Tomorrow begins another day. Why am I allowed two? (Hands Quotes)
Things that would have made fame of a less clever man seemed tricks in his hands. It is a mistake to do things too easily (Hands Quotes)
She couldn’t have found anything nastier to say if she had thought it out with both hands for a fortnight (Hands Quotes)
Such is of the course of deeds that move the wheels of the world: small hands do them because they must, while the eyes of the great are elsewhere (Hands Quotes)
Black moleskin gloves covered his hands; the right because it was burned, the left because a man felt half a fool wearing only one glove (Hands Quotes)
The fairies, as their custom, clapped their hands with delight over their cleverness, and they were so madly in love with the little house that they could not bear to think they had finished it (Hands Quotes)
Lost, so small amid that dark, hands grown cold, body image fading down corridors of television sky (Hands Quotes)
You are going to break your promise. I understand. And I hold my hands over the ears of my heart, so that I will not hate you (Hands Quotes)
Bridget did the only thing she could do in this situation that wouldn’t end with her doing a life stint in prison. She flipped the woman off. With both hands (Hands Quotes)
Your mind must always go, even while you’re shaking hands and going through all the maneuvers. I developed the ability long ago to do one thing while thinking about another (Hands Quotes)
To make a man happy, fill his hands with work, his heart with affection, his mind with purpose, his memory with useful knowledge, his future with hope, and his stomach with food (Hands Quotes)
If the final decision for the salvation of fallen sinners were left in the hands of fallen sinners, we would despair all hope that anyone would be saved (Hands Quotes)
Take the reins of your life in your hands every day. Get up and put a smile on your face, and feel grateful for this gift in your life (Hands Quotes)
... when I think of you it’s with tears, because no one else has such delicate hands that can reach into my soul and calm my fears (Hands Quotes)
Free government cannot long endure if property is largely in a few hands, and large masses of people are unable to earn homes, education, and a support in old age (Hands Quotes)
Whimpering never kept a leaking vessel from foundering. Vigorously manning the pumps has. Get busy with your head and hands, not your chin (Hands Quotes)
A woman whose heart is not touched by the sickness of sorrow and whose hands do not go out in relief where it is in her power to help, lacks one of the elements which make the glory of womanhood (Hands Quotes)
Our future and our fate lie in our wills more than in our hands, for our hands are but the instruments of our wills (Hands Quotes)
Justice must be blind to the hardness or softness of a man’s hands, as well as to the leanness or fatness of his pocketbook (Hands Quotes)
We hold on so tightly that our hands are unavailable to reach out for the happiness we could gain by letting go (Hands Quotes)
Definition of responsibility: a commitment of the head, heart, and hands to fix the problem and never again affix blame (Hands Quotes)
The greatest adventure is what lies ahead. Today and tomorrow are yet to be said. The chances, the changes are all yours to make. The mold of your life is in your hands to break (Hands Quotes)
Your hands may be full of money and your brain full of information but if your heart is empty, your life is very empty (Hands Quotes)
Now we ask you to clean up your homes we urge each of you to dress and keep in a beautiful state the property that is in your hands (Hands Quotes)
But we cannot allow weapons of mass destruction to fall into the hands of terrorists. I will not allow that to happen (Hands Quotes)
Hands, are the most honest part of the human body, they cannot lie as laughing eyes and the mouth can (Hands Quotes)
The hands that had made the sun and stars were too small to reach the huge heads of the cattle. Upon this paradox, we might almost say upon this jest, all the literature of our faith is founded (Hands Quotes)
But it’s morning. Within my hands is another day. Another day to listen and love and walk and glory. I am here for another day (Hands Quotes)
Besides the physical ordinance of baptism and the laying on of hands, one must be spiritually born again to gain exaltation and eternal life (Hands Quotes)
For me, I don’t like it when there is too much interference in our lives. We’re not children. It is our own life in our hands (Hands Quotes)