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Happened Quotes

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My friends are the ones I’ve had since primary school. They’re really cool and such a good bunch of people. They came to every one of my gigs before all of this happened, you know; they were there in the smoky pubs, wherever  (Happened Quotes) In real life, as well as in experiments, people can come to believe things that never really happened  (Happened Quotes) It doesn’t matter what has happened, better things are coming. God’s plan produces hope in me  (Happened Quotes) I’m perpetually curious as to what happened to all those supposed prodigies who were singled out while I and my coterie of far more interesting malcontents passed on  (Happened Quotes) No one can ever write about anything that happened to him after he was twelve years old  (Happened Quotes) Here in the city the worst thing that can happen to a nation has happened: we are a people afraid of its youth  (Happened Quotes) In the world we live in everything militates in favor of things that have not yet happened, of things that will never happen again  (Happened Quotes) Everything that happened to me as a child involved music. It was part of everyday life, as automatic as breathing  (Happened Quotes) Losing my father at a tender age was extremely important in being able to accept what happened to me later when I became a quadriplegic  (Happened Quotes) I have a daughter and she’s the greatest thing that ever happened to me. She gives me a good excuse to watch cartoons  (Happened Quotes) To be depressed or neurotic is passive. It happened to us; we are its victim, and we have no control over it  (Happened Quotes) J has told me about his past. I know what happened and why. But he is the one person who made me believe in my talent and whatever happened in the past, he’s been a wonderful manager to me  (Happened Quotes) Obama, he wouldn’t have been in office without what happened to me and a lot of black people before me. He would never have been in that situation, no doubt in my mind. He would get there eventually, but it would have been a lot longer. So I am glad for what I went through. It opened the doors for a lot of people  (Happened Quotes) Being a mother is the best thing that ever happened to me. Before you have your first baby you are a girl and then you become a mother. There is no transition into being a woman; you literally become a mum and being a mum means you always love someone else more than yourself and it is an unexplainable situation  (Happened Quotes) I’ve never really felt like I was a child actor. Just an actor who happened to be quite young  (Happened Quotes) Everyone sort of sees his own life and times as being ephemeral. One thinks that everything good or important that happened, happened in the past. But I think that seeing scenes that you are used to, but with the heightening effects of poetry, perhaps makes you value your life and times more than you might otherwise do  (Happened Quotes) When I was growing up, my mother, who had been through a lot of terrible things in life, taught me that when life is tough your instinct is to close your heart. But if you can accept what happened and reach out to someone, there will always be someone less fortunate, or someone that can bring a solution and help your life  (Happened Quotes) I don’t think there’s ever a right time to have kids. I’m actually pretty glad it’s happened quite young  (Happened Quotes) I understand that I’m not perfect. I made mistakes and I had a hand in everything that’s happened to me, good and bad  (Happened Quotes) All we have to face in the future is what has happened in the past. It is unbearable  (Happened Quotes) They were things for which it was impossible to prepare but which one spent a lifetime looking back at, trying to accept, interpret, comprehend. Things that should never have happened, that seemed out of place and wrong, these were what prevailed, what endured, in the end  (Happened Quotes) Everything in the world had happened to them and kept on happening. They didn’t care. They liked it that way  (Happened Quotes) If you are thinking about something that happened a long time ago: Somebody asked you a question and you did not know the answer. That is my name  (Happened Quotes) I remember a lot of dreams. Sometimes they are hard to distinguish from what has really happened. That is not so terrible. It is the same with books  (Happened Quotes) ... as long as nothing happens between them, the memory is cursed with what hasn’t happened  (Happened Quotes) I’m tired of this. It’s like, just when I think our goal is within reach, it slips right through our fingers. It’s happened time and again. Now, when we finally in our grasp, the truth slaps us in the face  (Happened Quotes) Love is not simply the sum of sweet greetings and wrenching partings and kisses and embraces, but is made up more of the memory of what has happened and the imagining of what is to come  (Happened Quotes) The imporant things in life never happened by accident. But even with those things that were meant to be, sometimes you had to wait awhile and then maybe give them a little nudge  (Happened Quotes) I’m not explaining this right. What happened was this. There were these beautiful feelings and loose little pleasures inside me. And this woman was something like an assembly line for my soul. I run these little pieces of myself through her and I come out complete. Now do you follow me?  (Happened Quotes) I saw the sky and sea and sand and the flickering flames of the bonfire through my tears. All at once, it rushed into my head with tremendous speed, and made me feel dizzy. It was beautiful. Everything that happened was shockingly beautiful, enough to make you crazy  (Happened Quotes)
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