Happened Quotes
Friendship Quotes
Love Quotes
Life Quotes
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Motivational Quotes
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Text Quotes
The news isn’t there to tell you what happened. It’s there to tell you what it wants you to hear or what it thinks you want to hear (Happened Quotes)
I need silence, and to be alone and to go out, and to save one hour to consider what has happened to my world, what death has done to my world (Happened Quotes)
I didn’t want to talk about what happened, so it seemed safest not to talk at all (Happened Quotes)
Jump to the day we’ll all be dead and none of this will matter. Jump to the day another house will stand here and the people living there won’t know we ever happened (Happened Quotes)
If something happened to me, whose face will be on the front page of the paper begging for me? Is a person worth more because they have someone to grieve for them? (Happened Quotes)
All I’d wanted for so long was for someone to explain everything that had happened to me in this same way. To label it neatly on a page: this leads to this leads to this (Happened Quotes)
You were the one who hit me on the roof? I hit you on the jaw. We just happened to be on a roof at the time (Happened Quotes)
You can’t undo something that’s happened; you can’t take back a word that’s already been said out loud (Happened Quotes)
A drop of poison on that gathering snow. That moment in the fairy tale when we know what just happened but the princess doesn’t (Happened Quotes)
I learned that what happened to me did not have to define who I was. My past could not control my future unless I allowed it to (Happened Quotes)
What she couldn’t put into word was what had happened in between to change her from one person into the other (Happened Quotes)
... and the renewed shock had nearly made him spill his drink. He drained it quickly before anything serious happened to it. He then had another quick one to follow the first one down and check that it was all right (Happened Quotes)
Not quite what one expected, but once it happened one realized it couldn’t be any other way (Happened Quotes)
I want to cry because something terrible happened, and I saw it, and I could not see a way to mend it (Happened Quotes)
Last night I dreamed about you. What happened in detail I can hardly remember, all I know is that we kept merging into one another. I was you, you were me. Finally you somehow caught fire (Happened Quotes)
Lena always described how she dreaded and mourned things before they even happened. Carmen was beginning to suspect that she was permitting herself to mourn this long separation only now that it was over (Happened Quotes)
Because that’s how it works after something terrible has happened. You know this is true if something terrible has ever happened to you. A thousand objects take on new meaning. Everything is a reminder of something else (Happened Quotes)
Hope and belief. I’d always wanted hope, but never believed that I could have such an adventure on my own. That I could own it. And love it. But it happened (Happened Quotes)
You don’t have to understand why anything that has happened nor do you even have to understand what it is that has happened. You have only to live with the remains (Happened Quotes)
No, no, no, so not getting the point of fear. Because fear wasn’t about what made sense. Fear was about possibilities. Not things that happened. Things that might (Happened Quotes)
Television and cinema were all very well, but these stories happened to other people. The stories I found in books happened inside my head. I was, in some way, there. It’s the magic of fiction: you take the words and you build them into worlds (Happened Quotes)
The dangerous falls were the ones that happened so fast you didn’t have time to react (Happened Quotes)
She knows that feeling too. Of believing that each time someone says her name, it’s to tell her that something bad has happened (Happened Quotes)
It’s what’s known as an origin myth. What happened to me? That’s no myth (Happened Quotes)
Chicago happened slowly, like a migraine. First they were driving through countryside, then, imperceptibly, the occasional town became a low suburban sprawl, and the sprawl became the city (Happened Quotes)
Always remember that when a man goes out of the room, he leaves everything in it behind... When a woman goes out she carries everything that happened in the room along with her (Happened Quotes)
This was what happened after you’d been together with someone a long time. You loved that it was old and worn and comfy, but sometimes it was old and worn and comfy (Happened Quotes)
You could ask for hugs if you were feeling sad or you’d hurt yourself, but when it happened spontaneously it made you feel warm inside (Happened Quotes)
All stories are like those about the creation of the universe, no one was there, no one witnessed anything, yet everyone knows what happened (Happened Quotes)
Madness strips you of memory and leaves you scrabbling around on the floor of your brain for the snatches and snippets of what happened, what was said, and when (Happened Quotes)