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Happened Quotes

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The problem with chasing after happiness was that it wasn’t a destination you could reach. It was something that happened along the way  (Happened Quotes) We were painting by numbers, starting with the greens. Because that happened to be our favorite color. And this, we figured, had to mean something  (Happened Quotes) Deep down we’ve never been who we think we once were, and we only remember what never happened  (Happened Quotes) I remember making that vow, the one not to forget. Not to remember what happened, but to remember who I was and how I felt  (Happened Quotes) I want to know why this is such a part of me. I want to know why this thing that happened to other people has happened so much to me. I keep looking for the lesson  (Happened Quotes) And it happened all the time that the compromise between two perfectly rational alternatives was something that made no sense at all  (Happened Quotes) Ever since that happened to me, I haven’t been able to give myself to anyone in this world  (Happened Quotes) You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better  (Happened Quotes) Jericho lay back down on his side, watching her breathe just an arm’s length from him. She was not beautiful while she slept; her mouth hung open and she snored very lightly, and this, despite everything that had happened, made him smile  (Happened Quotes) What would tomorrow bring? I wondered. Both hands on the wheel, I closed my eyes. I didn’t feel like I was in my own body; my body was just a lonely, temporary container I happened to be borrowing. What would become of me tomorrow I did not know  (Happened Quotes) Though he’d never know for sure what had happened to them, his mind was super talented at imagining the absolute worst  (Happened Quotes) A strange thing has happened, do you know? I am in darkness. There is a person who, departing, took away the sun  (Happened Quotes) The idiot had shot their own dog. That’s what happened when the destructive potential of a man’s weapons exceeded his intelligence  (Happened Quotes) It’s like one of those dreams that changes you. You keep some of the dream forever, and you know things down deep inside yourself, because it happened to you, but when you go looking for details they kind of just slip out of your head  (Happened Quotes) At the back of my mind I had a sense of us sitting about waiting for some terrible event, and then I would remember that it had already happened  (Happened Quotes) After everything that’s happened, how can the world still be so beautiful? Because it is  (Happened Quotes) Whatever has happened in someone’s past, the future is theirs to shape. The first step is to find a way out  (Happened Quotes) It was the stop that happened when you made up your mind to confess, but your mouth betrayed you in the end  (Happened Quotes) I wish it had never happened because then I wouldn’t think about it as I’m falling asleep  (Happened Quotes) ... Things happened when you were little. Things you don’t remember now, and don’t want to. But they need to escape, need to worm their way out of that dark place in your brain where you keep them stashed  (Happened Quotes) When he smiled, something strange happened to my insides. It was like they turned to liquid  (Happened Quotes) A knife, it felt like a knife, and I’d discovered that despite everything that’s happened, I still had an endless untapped potential for getting hurt  (Happened Quotes) You think that just because it’s already happened, the past is finished and unchangeable? Oh no, the past is cloaked in multicolored taffeta and every time we look at it we see a different hue  (Happened Quotes) He asks me what happened to my leg. I told him I was shot by a shark. He doesn’t react. Doesn’t seem confused or amused or anything. Like getting shot by a shark is a perfectly natural thing in the aftermath of the arrival  (Happened Quotes) I knew enough about adults to know that if did tell them what had happened, I would not be believed. Adults rarely seemed to believe me when I told the truth anyway  (Happened Quotes) It doesn’t matter that I can’t remember the details any longer: death happened to her. Death happens to all of us  (Happened Quotes) ... they came to see what happened to their town, to see if it was indeed lying burnt and bleeding. Many of them also came to die  (Happened Quotes) I take something that happened to me in 1983, and I make it happen to somebody else in 1943. I pick my life apart that way, try to understand it better by writing straight through it  (Happened Quotes) It happened. It was awful. You aren’t perfect. That’s all there is. Don’t confuse your grief with guilt  (Happened Quotes) He tried to remember how this happened – how she went from someone he’d never met to the only one who mattered  (Happened Quotes)
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