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Happened Quotes

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I really do like listening to stuff that’s happened to other people. I guess that’s why I like to read  (Happened Quotes) But if something did happen, it happened. Whether it’s right or wrong. I accept everything that happens, and that’s how I became the person I am now  (Happened Quotes) Odd things happen to all of us on our way through life without our noticing for a time that they have happened  (Happened Quotes) Many things happened in my life, and I thought that they changed me. But in the end, nothing has changed since I was seventeen. If I could keep today’s happiness I wouldn’t worry about tomorrow  (Happened Quotes) But anyone can begin. It was the part with all the promise, the potential, the things I loved. More and more, though, I was finding myself wanting to find out what happened in the end  (Happened Quotes) History is a wheel, for the nature of man is fundamentally unchanging. What has happened before will perforce happen again  (Happened Quotes) But something, somehow, had made all these paths converge. You couldn’t find it on a checklist, or work it into the equation. It just happened  (Happened Quotes) But this was what happened when you didn’t want to visit and confront the past: the past starts visiting and confronting you  (Happened Quotes) Everything that’s happened has brought me here, to this place, with this knife in my hand, and something worth saving  (Happened Quotes) It’s like, you know, it doesn’t matter what you do, even if you try to replicate an experience down to every last detail, it’ll never be the way it was when it happened naturally the first time  (Happened Quotes) We investigate the past not to deduce practical political lessons, but to find out what really happened  (Happened Quotes) If it could have happened through a film that I was associated with, it would have made be doubly proud. It makes me proud anyway. I am not disappointed  (Happened Quotes) But every person has to learn to accept what has happened in the past. Without bitterness. Or there is no point in continuing with life  (Happened Quotes) I’m going to put people in my place, so when the history of this administration is written at least there’s an authoritarian voice saying exactly what happened  (Happened Quotes) As has happened so often in history, victory had bred a complacency and fostered an orthodoxy which led to defeat in the next war  (Happened Quotes) The ability to plan for what has not yet happened, for a future that has only been imagined, is one of the hallmarks of leadership  (Happened Quotes) My favorite novels allow me to imagine the characters afterward and what happened, and that I’ve witnessed a really great story, where the world goes on  (Happened Quotes) Change happened and you thought it was forever, and immediately there were all the enemies of that change making common cause and meeting in the cloakrooms  (Happened Quotes) If I were to meet the most incredible man, and he just so happened to not make as much money as I do, I wouldn’t hold it against him  (Happened Quotes) I knew it might put him in an awkward position that we had a discussion before finality has finally happened in this presidential race  (Happened Quotes) This is my prediction for the future: Whatever hasn’t happened will happen, and no one will be safe from it  (Happened Quotes) Being a mother is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me in my life  (Happened Quotes) I have been wounded like this since about half past eight this morning and I will tell you how it happened  (Happened Quotes) My father also happened to be an intellectual, as learned, literate, informed, and curious as anyone I have known. Unobtrusively and casually, he was my wise and gentle teacher  (Happened Quotes) People may say I developed an iron will, but what really happened is that I made myself much fitter. I think an iron will is always supported by fitness  (Happened Quotes) The first two movies I directed failed, when I was 21 and 23, and that was the greatest thing that could have happened  (Happened Quotes) I actually was class clown, but I don’t know how that happened because I’ve never been considered an outwardly funny person-as the people in this room will attest  (Happened Quotes) I look back to when I got divorced in the late 1970s. When that happened, I was so broken up. After that, I decided to seek God for my life and my next marriage  (Happened Quotes) I maintain the rather old-fashioned view that this is my work and it’s in the public arena, but that doesn’t entitle everyone to know what happened at home before coming here  (Happened Quotes) I plays Joe’s best friend. I am the only one he has ever been able to trust in his life, so I help him understand what happened to him when he was younger  (Happened Quotes)
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