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Filmmaking is about moments. In real life, things might take six months, a year, but [in filmmaking] you have to create the moment where it happened  (Happened Quotes) If Jesus didn’t rise from the dead, an even greater miracle happened: 12 relatively uneducated guys changed the world and were martyred to protect a lie  (Happened Quotes) I’ve never seen myself as an artist. So when that happened it was like a whole other crazy thing  (Happened Quotes) Everything that has happened had to happen. Everything that must happen cannot be stopped  (Happened Quotes) I watched It Happened One Night and looked at online pictures and really liked Clark Gable’s mustache and hair and the tuxedo. I just really liked that look  (Happened Quotes) One of my favorite things being on movies is that when you’re working, it’s the best thing that’s ever happened, and then in the downtime, you socialize and go to dinner  (Happened Quotes) I’m just an actor who happened to love these [Marvel] comics when I was a kid, and got to rediscover them  (Happened Quotes) Today’s folk song is rock and roll. Although it happened to emanate from America, that’s not really important in the end because we wrote our own music and that changed everything  (Happened Quotes) I think [Bush] would like to hand his father Saddam Hussein’s head and win his approval for what happened after the Gulf War  (Happened Quotes) Former president George W. Bush released his new memoir. By the way, ‘memoir’ is just a fancy word for ‘a bunch of stuff that happened to me  (Happened Quotes) When I grew up, you’d see shorts before movies. I know it happened a lot more before I started going to the cinema  (Happened Quotes) Everything I’ve seen becomes real once it becomes memory. The films I’ve seen are interchangeable with things that have really happened to me  (Happened Quotes) I don’t know what should have happened in my life, but I do know that I’m dancing as fast as I can  (Happened Quotes) Fiction is often a much-needed step back that gives you the distance to see things more clearly; it’s very often better at explaining why events happened as opposed to just what happened  (Happened Quotes) Whenever I went to an historical moment that was sad or where something terrible happened, it was, for me, a learning moment, a teaching moment for those who survived  (Happened Quotes) That’s why I have to be a fiction writer, because I can’t remember what just happened or where I went last week or what movie I just watched with my husband. I’m better off just making things up  (Happened Quotes) I think my favourite memory from filming ‘Jurassic World’ would just be a compilation of me running through the jungle in heels, and just how absurd that really was. That that actually happened  (Happened Quotes) Best thing that’s ever happened to me. I focus so much less on me. It’s made me content, it’s made me happy. It’s like a Christmas present every single day that I get to unwrap. It’s hard work  (Happened Quotes) There is this kind of sense in the immigrant community, first we were going to do immigration reform, but then 9/11 happened  (Happened Quotes) The best thing that happened is I kept my promises. I ain’t run out on nobody  (Happened Quotes) I had a guitar sitting around, and it just happened to have four strings on it, and I would sit around watching TV and playing it. I ended up writing bunches of songs around four strings  (Happened Quotes) If you’re going to download an MP3, as a recording, it’s sort of like an archive of something that has happened - that has a beginning and an end and can be released. The infiniteness escaped  (Happened Quotes) My dad was a good man but an emotionally absent father, and so I had to look for that male attention somewhere else, and found it in a brother-in-law. He just happened to be an alcoholic  (Happened Quotes) When drum’n’bass happened, when the two-step/garage thing happened, there was a chart smash every week; it operated on the underground and the pinnacle of pop mainstream at the same time  (Happened Quotes) Pictures were completely eliminated from mathematics; in particular when I was young this happened in a very strong fashion  (Happened Quotes) After Luis Suarez of Uruguay bit an Italian opponent in the shoulder, two things happened. Suarez was thrown out of the rest of the tournament, and the player he bit turned Uruguayan  (Happened Quotes) Jeb Bush brought it up at the debate and he was doing it very well, and all of a sudden, I don’t know what happened, but he got shut down  (Happened Quotes) What has happened in most of my books is the call to the extraordinary world, the hero’s push, or that push has come to him  (Happened Quotes) I think [‘March’] is not just for the Black Lives Matter movement. It’s for everyone. We all have to understand what happened then, so we can understand what’s happening now  (Happened Quotes) I’m writing my biography. It’s my business. This is what happened in my life, and I’m writing about it  (Happened Quotes)
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