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Happened Quotes

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How do you know? How best to ensure his nervous breakdown? I ask.Keep going, Christian says. Just go on as if nothing has happened. We all hate that.  (Happened Quotes) Are the people who run for president really the best in a country of 240 million? If so, something has happened to the gene pool.  (Happened Quotes) I had 53 years of happy marriage and two daughters. These were the best things that happened in my life.  (Happened Quotes) My mom died of cancer when I was really young. I’m not someone who tries to work out their own stuff with a role, but I think that happened despite my best efforts to keep myself separate from it.  (Happened Quotes) I tend to be really pragmatic, but ultimately tend to be attracted to people who pull me into more spontaneity. I’ve really learned that, through surrender, the best experiences of my life have happened.  (Happened Quotes) In case you haven’t heard, my girlfriends and I have declared the summer of 2012 as the best summer ever. The best way to document said ‘best summer ever’ is with a good ol’ disposable camera. Smile, click, move on! Nobody gets pic approval, and there’s no time wasted gathering around the camera to analyze a moment that just happened.  (Happened Quotes) In terms of my marriage, you know, falling in love with my husband was by far the best thing that’s ever happened to me.  (Happened Quotes) Our favorite teams bring people together, keep family members close, bond people from different generations. Some of the happiest moments of my life involve something that happened with one of my teams. Some of the best relationships I ever had were with Boston athletes that I never even met.  (Happened Quotes) I’ve been told over and over not to go on the Bill Maher show. Well, my best moments have happened on the Bill Maher show. It’s been magic for me.  (Happened Quotes) The future hasn’t happened yet and the past is gone. So I think the only moment we have is right here and now, and I try to make the best of those moments, the moments that I’m in.  (Happened Quotes) I don’t even know what made me start wanting to do music. It just... happened. Because I sat in my basement all the time, and music was my best friend, and I just wanted to be a part of it.  (Happened Quotes) I’ve been in a poor physical shape many times in my career and I’ve had some of my best results. My best performances happened because my mind was in the right place. The mind is definitely stronger than the body.  (Happened Quotes) I got my service dog when I was medically retired out of the military, and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I wish every medically retired serviceman could have a service dog. He’s amazing. He’s my best bud. I go everywhere and anywhere with him.  (Happened Quotes) We want to seal the deal that we’re the best team that’s ever happened,  (Happened Quotes) One of the best things that ever happened to me is that I’m a woman. That is the way all females should feel.  (Happened Quotes) It’s true -- I am a bisexual. But I can’t deny that I’ve used that fact very well. I suppose it’s the best thing that ever happened to me.  (Happened Quotes) Breaking my neck was the best thing that ever happened to me. I have an Olympic medal. I’ve been to so many countries I would never have been, met so many people I would never have met. I’ve done more in the chair, ... than a whole hell of a lot of people who aren’t in chairs.  (Happened Quotes) People expect you to change when you become a mother, and of course my priorities changed when I had Violet. She’s number one in my life and the best thing that ever happened to me, but I still have fun. I am still myself, but that is made out to seem like I am rebelling against motherhood.  (Happened Quotes) He brought out the worst in me, and was the best thing that ever happened to me  (Happened Quotes) Honestly, so much of my book is about the best things in my life have happened since I’m 40  (Happened Quotes) Some of the best things in my life have happened to me because I listened to my mother. And some of the worst things in my life have happened to me because I listened to my mother.  (Happened Quotes) In acting, quite a lot of the time you’re not the first choice. Usually, you’re second or third. And it can turn out to be the best thing that ever happened. You get used to that.  (Happened Quotes) Everybody wants to have their ‘Breaking Bad.’ It went to Bryan Cranston. It couldn’t have happened to a better guy or a better actor.  (Happened Quotes) What’s happened has happened, so what can we do to make it better for tomorrow and the day after? That’s why we’re here.  (Happened Quotes) Obvious things like The Deer Hunter. After that happened, the scripts got better. Opportunities happened.  (Happened Quotes) There’s no better way to unplug than having children. Changing diapers is one of the most leveling things that has ever happened to me.  (Happened Quotes) It doesn’t matter what has happened, better things are coming. God’s plan produces hope in me.  (Happened Quotes) Producing a series is like being Lewis and Clark: You know where you’re going, you just don’t know how you’re going to get there. When people say, ‘You should create a bible for your show,’ I say, ‘You don’t want a bible. It’ll prevent you from making discoveries along the way.’ And that’s what happened on ‘The X-Files.’  (Happened Quotes) Perhaps there was a correlation between taking prayer and Bible study out of schools, and what has happened in our society.  (Happened Quotes) Emeril’ came on the air right when a new president of NBC was taking over, and there was just a big shift going on. And then 9/11 happened, and that really pretty much killed it, because the show was already having a hard time finding an audience. I don’t regret it. I had a really good time.  (Happened Quotes)
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