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The steps were crowded with bodies then. Now they are clean and cool, like nothing ever happened here.  (Happened Quotes) When my parents died, it became clear to me that there was an end in sight. Death was never a real thing to me. And then when that happened I realized I only have so many years left, if I’m lucky.  (Happened Quotes) The problem is we don’t know what the climate is doing. We thought we knew 20 years ago. That led to some alarmist books - mine included - because it looked clear-cut, but it hasn’t happened.  (Happened Quotes) Our favorite teams bring people together, keep family members close, bond people from different generations. Some of the happiest moments of my life involve something that happened with one of my teams.  (Happened Quotes) Close Encounters of the Third Kind’ ends with the spaceship lands and Richard Dreyfuss’ character best on, but a bunch of pilots and sailors from the 1940s get off. You kind of wanted to know what happened next.  (Happened Quotes) You must never allow something that happened to you to become a morbidly treasured heirloom that you carry, show people, put back in its black velvet pouch and then tuck back into your jacket where you can keep it close to your heart.  (Happened Quotes) Nothing in life has happened to you. It’s happened for you. Every disappointment. Every wrong. Even every closed door has helped make you into who you are.  (Happened Quotes) You were first-string running back last year. What happened? ” Coach Stone’s mouth happened. It needed to be closed, and I was a little too obliging to shut it. ” Nick  (Happened Quotes) Kellan [Lutz] and I were really the closest, and he and I have been really good friends before Twilight even happened - we have the same agent.  (Happened Quotes) Nothing earth-shattering has happened in men’s fashion. How much can you do with men’s clothes?  (Happened Quotes) What happened was, I always wanted to be a singer/songwriter kind of guy like a James Taylor or Crosby, Stills and Nash type of thing; I went to a lot of coffee houses and used to watch all those guys, but I never had the nerve to get up and do it because singing seems so personal and intimate to me. It was too revealing.  (Happened Quotes) I just want to be really clear about this: Anyone who has read Colin Powell’s biography - there’s an entire section where he talks about experiencing segregation. Colin Powell did not appear when he became head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. That’s not how it happened.  (Happened Quotes) My father died during open-heart surgery on March 29 of my senior year in college. I was getting set to go to law school. I remember sitting in the waiting room when the doctor walked in. I said to myself, The worst possible thing just happened. What will you do?  (Happened Quotes) I don’t have to accept their tenants. I was trying to convince those college students to accept my tenants. And I reject any labeling me because I happened to go to the university.  (Happened Quotes) We have such a high drop-out rate from musicians, said the head of the college. He was right - I dropped out before I even dropped in. Months later they were still asking what had happened to me, not realising that I was on a UK tour.  (Happened Quotes) At least 35 years ago, you didn’t have the internet telling you every single thing that happened in every school and college around the world.  (Happened Quotes) There’s this other world where all comedians want to do is make funny videos. Typically what’s happened in the past is that a comedian gets a standup career and over the course of 20 years builds it up to the point where Comedy Central gives them a sketch show.  (Happened Quotes) When you give someone a commitment to ride their horse, you do it - unless, God forbid, something serious has happened. It would be laziness not to do it.  (Happened Quotes) It’s happened time and time again, but the committee has always decided against it-the work was too conservative or didn’t fit within the budget; there are millions of different reasons.  (Happened Quotes) Change happened and you thought it was forever, and immediately there were all the enemies of that change making common cause and meeting in the cloakrooms.  (Happened Quotes) I don’t think I set out to have a career in female groups, but it’s just kind of happened, and by nature of having worked with my sister - growing up with a sister who also plays, and being in communication with other female musicians.  (Happened Quotes) Few people understand the magnitude of the catastrophe that happened late in the 1980s when the Communist Party had failed to modernize the Soviet Union.  (Happened Quotes) An unforgettable experience happened on December 15, 1996 when I won the Supermodel contest while still in school. I was just seventeen years old then. Winning that competition was the turning point of my life. That’s how I got into modeling and later started acting.  (Happened Quotes) The one who forgives never brings up the past to that person’s face. When you forgive, it’s like it never happened. True forgiveness is complete and total.  (Happened Quotes) I am a complicated person with a simple life and I am the reason for everything that ever happened to me.  (Happened Quotes) You’ve never had a job that you thought was secure. You don’t think the Tonight Show is risk free. Especially when you saw what happened with your buddy Conan O’Brien. There is always a Plan B.I am ready to apply to the post office.  (Happened Quotes) The [concentration camps] were swarming with photographers and every new picture of horror served only to diminish the total effect. Now, for a short day, everyone will see what happened to those poor devils in those camps; tomorrow, very few will care what happens to them in the future.  (Happened Quotes) What’s happened - in our country, anyhow - is that the young people have shied away from the formality of the concert hall, that tie - and - tails philharmonic image.  (Happened Quotes) Right after ‘Backspacer,’ my best friend got killed tragically. Something happened to me then where I got super motivated. I had a shelf of all this unfinished music... So I just went to work and made a conscious decision that I was going to finish a bunch of stuff. Life’s short.  (Happened Quotes) Sri Yukteswar showed no special consideration to those who happened to be powerful or accomplished; neither did he slight others for their poverty or illiteracy. He would listen respectfully to words of truth from a child, and openly ignore a conceited pundit.  (Happened Quotes)
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