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Happened Quotes

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I was mad until I was about 25. Completely out of control with my emotions. Everything that happened to me was a tragedy. I’ve been much happier over 25.  (Happened Quotes) I was supposed to have a relationship with Judy, but that never happened. Actors in series didn’t have the control that they have today over their jobs.  (Happened Quotes) Where is the video of Kanye [West] telling me he was going to call me ‘that b***h’ in his song? It doesn’t exist because it never happened. You don’t get to control someone’s emotional response to being called ‘that b***h’ in front of the entire world.  (Happened Quotes) It looks like the writer is telling you a story. What the writer is actually doing, however, is using words to evoke a series of micromemories from your own experience that inmix, join, and connect in your mind in an order the writer controls, so that, in effect, you have a sustained memory of something that never happened to you.  (Happened Quotes) People love having a home. People love going to their house and sleeping in their bedroom and having a conversation around the dinner table. You don’t particularly think of that conversation as a private conversation; you just think of it as something that happened in your home.  (Happened Quotes) When I started ‘Still Missing,’ I had a few key plot points in mind, which I played around with mentally for a couple of months, then one day I just started writing. Not having an outline led to some cool plot twists, but also many rewrites! A lot of the plotting happened on subsequent drafts.  (Happened Quotes) For a long time the people at my shows were sort of the Pantera-tattoo trucker guys, really cool dudes, but I don’t know what happened to them. That’s the crowd that I like, the ones that don’t get so offended just to be offended.  (Happened Quotes) There’s been a lot of really cool stuff that’s happened to me throughout my career, and I remember everything, but I don’t think I savored every moment of it like I should have or like I do now.  (Happened Quotes) Some years I’m the coolest thing that ever happened, and then the next year everyone’s so over me, and I’m just so past my sell date.  (Happened Quotes) A Walk to Remember’ was a huge movie for me. I thought Mandy Moore was the coolest thing that ever happened. And Shane West - man, did I have a crush on him.  (Happened Quotes) I had the experience of a monk copying documents, applying myself assiduously to my work. And I thought whatever happened, happened - this is just what I do in my life.  (Happened Quotes) I sometimes suffer from insomnia and one of the first times it ever happened I was like, I don’t know what to do with myself, so I started writing a song and by morning it was finished. It was about how I couldn’t sleep...I was 14.  (Happened Quotes) My first encounter with video games was pretty conventional. I was travelling with my parents - we used to take long cross country trips in the United States every summer - and we went into a restaurant where there happened to be a Pong machine, and I was... a lot of quarters went into that Pong machine, let’s just say.  (Happened Quotes) Poe had this curious kind of alchemical courage, where he took all the terrible things and terrors that happened in his life, all this shame and fear and pain, and turned them into great works of art. He was a complex, brilliant person who was just wired too tight.  (Happened Quotes) I think one of the important things that’s happened in the course of the century is that life expectancy has doubled.  (Happened Quotes) I’ve always been into visual effects. It was something I took keen interest in before films happened. Ironically, I am a part of ‘Raaz 3,’ a film that is shot entirely on 3D. It has encouraged me to pursue my dream. Hopefully, if time permits, I will travel to the United States and attend a crash course in visual graphics and animation.  (Happened Quotes) Composing is a natural fit. As far as the creative process goes, I’d rather do this than anything else, by far. Something different happened to me when I started to write music to images. It was a feeling of excitement and connection and a sense of being in the right place that I never had before.  (Happened Quotes) There’s so much of, it could have been a very critical examination of what happened, and really the emotional lives of the people involved sort of carry the characters forward.  (Happened Quotes) How can we have critical thinking without being able to quote and being able to compare what happened in the past? Television is dreadfully unrecorded and unquotable.  (Happened Quotes) When the orbits of these two satellites of ours happened to cross paths, we could be together. Maybe even open our hearts to each other. But that was only for the briefest moment. In the next instant we’d be in absolute solitude. Until we burned up and became nothing.  (Happened Quotes) It’s just weird because like when I was writing Cry Baby I like...the only thing that I was thinking about, when writing it, was the concepts and the visuals, and the way that it sounded kind of happened naturally.  (Happened Quotes) I was doing auditions and meetings during the day and going to culinary school at night. And then ‘NCIS’ happened. So I dropped out of culinary school.  (Happened Quotes) I have to admit that ‘Psychology Today’ was one of the first magazines I started reading, back when I was 13 or 14, because I was the kind of kid that was curious about the mysterious human mind - I hoped to learn about telekenisis, multiple personalities, psychosis, and various other cool and terrible things that happened inside people’s heads.  (Happened Quotes) Brandon reached down and yanked up a handful of grass and roots, the sides of the blades cutting into his hand like a razorWhat happened to the grass, Dana? Why isn’t it green anymore?  (Happened Quotes) My wife has joked that if anything ever happened to me, she’d gladly live out her life without anyone else around. I think it bugs her I’m home all the time; such is the life cycle of the cartoonist, however.  (Happened Quotes) I was already writing ‘The Lost Symbol’ when I started to realize ‘The Da Vinci Code’ would be big. The thing that happened to me and must happen to any writer who’s had success is that I temporarily became very self-aware.  (Happened Quotes) I busted my chin open trying to be Evel Knievel on my bike. When it happened, you could see straight through to the bone, I thought my dad was going to pass out. It left a scar that I still have now.  (Happened Quotes) The Dalai Lama acknowledges that he’s met Westerners who to some extent are clearly Easterners at heart, and he would never want them not to become Buddhists just because they happened to be born in California.  (Happened Quotes) I’ve always been more interested in what happens after the bad thing has happened - the fallout of the bad thing, when people are already damaged. I’m less interested in seeing people when they’re fine and following their journey to becoming damaged.  (Happened Quotes) What happened is, when I was doing ‘Taxi,’ the last year, we did this thing where we had on top hats and tails, and we pretended to tap-dance. And I said to myself, ‘You know, I always wanted to know how to do this.’ So I got myself a teacher, and I started studying, and I got hooked.  (Happened Quotes)
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