Happens Quotes

Text Quotes
.. he continues to cling to the forlorn hope that I will turn into one of those swooning females... and fling myself squeeling at him whenever anything happens. Like all men, he clings to his illusions (Happens Quotes)
You said you didn’t want to get involved with me,that one of us would get hurt and how you couldn’t bear it. Well that just isn’t good enough.. Look what happens to people just living their lives. They get hurt, it’s not fair they get hurt but they do, all the time, no matter how careful they are. Somebody can just just come along and hurt them, for no stupid reason (Happens Quotes)
... What happens is of little significance compared with the stories we tell ourselves about what happens. Events matter little, only stories of events affect us (Happens Quotes)
There are a few moments in your life when you are truly and completely happy, and you remember to give thanks. Even as it happens you are nostalgic for the moment, you are tucking it away in your scrapbook (Happens Quotes)
For some time now the impression has been growing upon me that everyone is dead. It happens when I speak to people. In the middle of a sentence it will come over me: yes, beyond a doubt this is death. There is little to do but groan and make an excuse and slip away as quickly as one can (Happens Quotes)
Something about the joy and pain of that moment, something about the excruciating contrast, made me feel that no matter what happens now, my life has been worth it. What a ride (Happens Quotes)
Memory is a slippery thing. When something terrible happens to you, like the loss of someone you love... memory can turn into a soft blanket that hides you from the loss (Happens Quotes)
You must let what happens happen. Everything must be equal in your eyes, good and evil, beautiful and ugly, foolish and wise (Happens Quotes)
Well, that’s why smart people get tripped up with worry and fear. Worry... fear... is just a misuse of the creative imagination that has been placed in each of us. Because we are smart and creative, we imagine all the things that could happen, that might happen, that will happen if this or that happens. See what I mean? (Happens Quotes)
Most people think it takes a long time to change. It doesn’t. Change is immediate! Instantaneous! It may take a long time to decide to change…but change happens in a heartbeat! (Happens Quotes)
... the routine of life goes on, whatever happens, we do the same things, go through the little performance of eating, sleeping, washing. No crisis can break through the crust of habit (Happens Quotes)
That is the strangeness of language: it crosses the boundaries of the body, is at once inside and outside, and it sometimes happens that we don’t notice the threshold has been crossed (Happens Quotes)
You have often seen in the cinema, erich, haven’t you, that between extraordinary people extraordinary things like for example extraordinary love can arise. so we only have to be extraordinary and see what happens (Happens Quotes)
We can assume that most people, most of the time, are moral creatures. But imagine that this morality is like a gearshift that at times gets pushed into neutral. When that happens, morality is disengaged. If the car happens to be on an incline, car and driver move precipitously downhill. It is then the nature of the circumstances that determines outcomes, not the driver’s skills or intentions (Happens Quotes)
An adventure is never an adventure when it happens. An adventure is simply physical and emotional discomfort recollected in tranquility (Happens Quotes)
You all say the same thing. When something bad happens, everyone tells you to forget about it. But, I don’t think you can forget that easily. You may be able to pretend you’ve forgotten, but I don’t think anyone can completely forget (Happens Quotes)
I guess that’s how death works. It doesn’t matter if we’re ready or not. It just happens (Happens Quotes)
We’re never ready for the things that happen. When the big stuff happens, we’re always looking in the other direction (Happens Quotes)
What else do I have to offer? Nothing happens to me anymore. That’s the reality of getting old, and I guess that’s really the crux of the matter. I’m not ready to be old yet (Happens Quotes)
Art begins... when someone interprets, when someone sees the world through his own eyes. Art happens when what is seen becomes mixed with the inside of the person who is seeing it (Happens Quotes)
They say asteroids hit the moon pretty often, which is how the moon gets its crater, but this one is going to be the biggest asteroid ever to hit it and on a clear night you should be able to see the impact when it happens, maybe even with the naked eye but certainly with binoculars. They made it sound pretty dramatic, but I still don’t think it’s worth three homework assignments (Happens Quotes)
And so, as generally happens, those who have most give least, and those with less somehow make shrift to share (Happens Quotes)
Then a homeless man with a dog approached us and put his hand out. This happens to be something that I have a real problem with: homeless people with pets who approach you for food when they have a perfectly delicious dog standing right there? (Happens Quotes)
Resilience is not what happens to you. It’s how you react to, respond to, and recover from what happens to you (Happens Quotes)
Have you ever stood where a stream spills into a river? The two become one. They laugh over the stones together, twist through the sharp canyons together, plunge down the waterfalls together. It is the same when a man and woman love one another. It is not always a pleasant thing, but when it happens, a man has little to say about it. Women, like streams, can be smooth one minute and make a man feel like he’s swimming through white water the next (Happens Quotes)
Nothing in this world happens without a reason. That we are all exactly where we are supposed to be, and that the pieces of the puzzle have a tendency to come together when you least expect it (Happens Quotes)
Can it really be love if we don’t talk that much, don’t see each other? Isn’t love something that happens between people who spend time together and know each other’s faults and take care of each other?... In the end, I decide that the mark we’ve left on each other is the color and shape of love (Happens Quotes)
We all have that moment in life when something terrible happens for the first time. Something so unexpected, so awful, that it takes the magic out of the world. Life becomes harder, colder. And everything we do in our lives, from that day on, is our way of coping with that one moment. We stop living and we merely exist. We either choose to move on from that, or we let it consume us (Happens Quotes)
There will be a few times in your life when all your instincts will tell you to do something, something that defies logic, upsets your plans, and may seem crazy to others. When that happens, you do it. Listen to your instincts and ignore everything else. Ignore logic, ignore the odds, ignore the complications, and just go for it (Happens Quotes)
Life’s sloppy... You think you know how tomorrow’s going to be, you’ve made your plans, everything is set in place, and then the unimaginable happens. Life catches you by surprise. It always does. But there’s good mixed in with the bad. It’s there. You just have to recognize it (Happens Quotes)