Happiness Quotes

Text Quotes
Future. That period of time in which our affairs prosper, our friends are true and our happiness is assured (Happiness Quotes)
Only man clogs his happiness with care, destroying what is with thoughts of what may be (Happiness Quotes)
Worldly wealth is the Devil's bait; and those whose minds feed upon riches recede, in general, from real happiness, in proportion as their stores increase, as the moon, when she is fullest, is farthest from the sun (Happiness Quotes)
Never permit a dichotomy to rule your life, a dichotomy in which you hate what you do so you can have pleasure in your spare time. Look for a situation in which your work will give you as much happiness as your spare time (Happiness Quotes)
Truth is a deep kindness that teaches us to be content in our everyday life and share with the people the same happiness (Happiness Quotes)
Let the resurrection joy lift us from loneliness and weakness and despair to strength and beauty and happiness (Happiness Quotes)
A man is not rightly conditioned until he is a happy, healthy, and prosperous being; and happiness, health, and prosperity are the result of a harmonious adjustment of the inner with the outer of the man with his surroundings (Happiness Quotes)
In friendship as well as love, ignorance very often contributes more to our happiness than knowledge (Happiness Quotes)
Those who won our independence valued liberty as an end and as a means. They believed liberty to be the secret of happiness and courage to be the secret of liberty (Happiness Quotes)
Money has never made man happy, nor will it, there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it one has the more one wants (Happiness Quotes)
The U. S. Constitution doesn't guarantee happiness, only the pursuit of it. You have to catch up with it yourself (Happiness Quotes)
For this generation, ours, life is nuclear survival, liberty is human rights, the pursuit of happiness is a planet whose resources are devoted to the physical and spiritual nourishment of its inhabitants (Happiness Quotes)
Contempt for happiness is usually contempt for other people's happiness, and is an elegant disguise for hatred of the human race (Happiness Quotes)
If all our happiness is bound up entirely in our personal circumstances it is difficult not to demand of life more than it has to give (Happiness Quotes)
If there were in the world today any large number of people who desired their own happiness more than they desired the unhappiness of others, we could have a paradise in a few years (Happiness Quotes)
Man needs, for his happiness, not only the enjoyment of this or that, but hope and enterprise and change (Happiness Quotes)
The secret of happiness is this: let your interests be as wide as possible, and let your reactions to the things and persons that interest you be as far as possible friendly rather than hostile (Happiness Quotes)
Happiness is neither without us nor within us. It is in God, both without us and within us (Happiness Quotes)
Imagination disposes of everything; it creates beauty, justice, and happiness, which are everything in this world (Happiness Quotes)
I understand by this passion the union of desire, friendship, and tenderness, which is inflamed by a single female, which prefers her to the rest of her sex, and which seeks her possession as the supreme or the sole happiness of our being (Happiness Quotes)
Joy, rather than happiness, is the goal of life, for joy is the emotion which accompanies our fulfilling our natures as human beings. It is based on the experience of one's identity as a being of worth and dignity (Happiness Quotes)
The only happiness a brave person ever troubles themselves in asking about, is happiness enough to get their work done (Happiness Quotes)
Happiness includes chiefly the idea of satisfaction after full honest effort. No one can possibly be satisfied and no one can be happy who feels that in some paramount affairs he failed to take up the challenge of life (Happiness Quotes)
The Dalai Lama. He is a very wise man of great inner peace who believes that happiness is the purpose of our lives. Through his teachings and leadership, he continues to make this world a better place in which to live (Happiness Quotes)
Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits (Happiness Quotes)
The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government (Happiness Quotes)
Man falls from the pursuit of the ideal of plan living and high thinking the moment he wants to multiply his daily wants. Man's happiness really lies in contentment (Happiness Quotes)
Different men seek after happiness in different ways and by different means, and so make for themselves different modes of life and forms of government (Happiness Quotes)
Politicians also have no leisure, because they are always aiming at something beyond political life itself, power and glory, or happiness (Happiness Quotes)
You traverse the world in search of happiness, which is within the reach of every man. A contented mind confers it on all (Happiness Quotes)