Happiness Quotes

Text Quotes
This very moment is a seed from which the flowers of tomorrow’s happiness grow (Happiness Quotes)
Service to a just cause rewards the worker with more real happiness and satisfaction than any other venture of life (Happiness Quotes)
I think service to others is the real key to winning our own personal freedom and the road to our own happiness, our own personal contentment and fulfillment (Happiness Quotes)
Unless we think of others and do something for them, we miss one of the greatest sources of happiness (Happiness Quotes)
By happiness I mean here a deep sense of flourishing that arises from an exceptionally healthy mind. This is not a mere pleasurable feeling, a fleeting emotion, or a mood, but an optimal state of being. Happiness is also a way of interpreting the world, since while it may be difficult to change the world, it is always possible to change the way we look at it (Happiness Quotes)
Authentic happiness is not linked to an activity; it is a state of being, a profound emotional balance struck by a subtle understanding of how the mind functions (Happiness Quotes)
The word happiness is used to indicate at least three related things, which we might roughly call emotional happiness, moral happiness, and judgmental happiness (Happiness Quotes)
Happiness refers to feelings, virtue refers to actions, and those actions can cause those feelings. But not necessarily and not exclusively (Happiness Quotes)
Psychologists have found that we are more likely, in looking back at our lives, to remember high points and dramatic shifts in far greater proportion than ongoing stretches of happiness or misery (Happiness Quotes)
Are people the best judges of their own happiness, or outsiders? In defining happiness, should we think of entire lives or of shorter periods such as moments, days, or years? And to what extent are virtue and happiness linked? (Happiness Quotes)
Happiness can only be found within, by breaking attachments to external things and cultivating an attitude of acceptance (Happiness Quotes)
This age thing is all up to you. It’s like happiness is up to you. You just have to understand what it is before you get it (Happiness Quotes)
When we are not rich enough to be able to purchase happiness, we must not approach to near and gaze on it in shop windows (Happiness Quotes)
To seek out in a world full of joy the one thing that is certain to give you pain, and hug it to your bosom with all your strength; that’s the greatest human happiness (Happiness Quotes)
He who praises another enriches himself far more than he does the one praised. To praise is an investment in happiness. The poorest human being has something to give that the richest could not buy (Happiness Quotes)
Only the fairy tale equates changelessness with happiness... Permanence means paralysis and death. Only, in movement, with all its pain, is life (Happiness Quotes)
The basic root of happiness lies in our minds; outer circumstances are nothing more than adverse or favourable (Happiness Quotes)
Happiness is the main object of our aspirations, whatever name we give to it: fulfilment, deep satisfaction, serenity, accomplishment, wisdom, fortune, joy or inner peace, and however we try to seek it: creativity, justice, altruism, striving, completion of a plan or a piece of work (Happiness Quotes)
Envy and jealousy stem from the fundamental inability to rejoice at someone else’s happiness or success (Happiness Quotes)
We possess within us a force of incalculable power, which if we direct it in a conscious and wise manner, gives us the mastery of ourselves and allows us not only to escape from physical and mental ills, but also to live in relative happiness (Happiness Quotes)
We learn in our guts, not just in our brain, that a life of joy is not in seeking happiness, but in experiencing and simply being the circumstances of our life as they are; not in fulfilling personal wants, but in fulfilling the needs of life (Happiness Quotes)
Peace, or freedom from conflict, is the absolute core of happiness. It is in learning to watch our sense of peace that we avoid unhappiness. All forms of misery are heralded by a frame of mind that must become immediately recognizable if we are ever to gain mastery in happiness... Take the time to look in your heart and be clear. Walk through life being clear. Practice doing each thing in peace (Happiness Quotes)
Happiness does not lie in getting people and things outside of you lined up exactly to suit your desires (Happiness Quotes)
Keep in mind that you don’t need to be addicted to money in order to acquire it. You can prefer to have money; you will then be able to enjoy whatever money you receive, but your happiness will not be contingent on the size of your bank account (Happiness Quotes)
Once again, when you upgrade sensations from an addiction to a preference, you can enjoy things such as gourmet food and music, without having your happiness depend on them (Happiness Quotes)
Success is how you collect your minutes. You spend millions of minutes to reach one triumph, one moment, then you spend maybe a thousand minutes enjoying it. If you were unhappy through those millions of minutes, what good is the thousand minutes of triumph? It doesn’t equate... Life is made of small pleasures. Good eye contact over the breakfast table with your wife. A moment of touching a friend. Happiness is made of those tiny successes. The big ones come too infrequently. If you don’t have all those zillions of tiny successes, the big ones don’t mean anything (Happiness Quotes)
The very first condition of lasting happiness is that a life should be full of purpose, aiming at something outside self (Happiness Quotes)
Humans have a sense of spontaneity and emotion. We have a dichotomy between grief and happiness (Happiness Quotes)
It’s not attractive when girls get super skinny. Guys don’t like it. Gils don’t like you as much. You lose some happiness when that’s all you think about (Happiness Quotes)
The rub is that the pursuit of happiness, as an end in itself, tends automatically, and widely, to be replaced by the pursuit of pleasure with a consequent general softening of the fibers of will, intelligence, spirit (Happiness Quotes)