Happy Quotes

Text Quotes
A friendship formed in childhood, in youth, by happy accident at any stage of rising manhood, becomes the genius that rules the rest of life (Happy Quotes)
The hours that we pass with happy prospects in view are more pleasing than those crowned with success (Happy Quotes)
Enthusiasm imparts itself magnetically and fuses all into one happy and harmonious unity of feeling and sentiment (Happy Quotes)
Whatever be the motives which induce men to write, - whether avarice or fame, - the country becomes more wise and happy in which they most serve for instructors (Happy Quotes)
At times he regarded the wounded soldiers in an envious way. He conceived persons with torn bodies to be peculiarly happy. He wished that he, too, had a wound, a red badge of courage (Happy Quotes)
Is it possible to be happy before anything happens, before one's desires are gratified, in spite of life's difficulties, in the very midst of physical pain, old age, disease, and death? (Happy Quotes)
I should like to bury something precious in every place where I've been happy and then, when I'm old and ugly and miserable, I could come back and dig it up and remember (Happy Quotes)
There is a common emotion we all recognize and have not yet named - the happy anticipation of being able to feel contempt (Happy Quotes)
Look, I'm going to find a way to be happy, and I'd really love to be happy with you, but if I can't be happy with you, then I'll find a way to be happy without you (Happy Quotes)
I know you're smart. But everyone here is smart. Smart isn't enough. The kind of people I want on my research team are those who will help everyone feel happy to be here (Happy Quotes)
The secret to a happy life is not in getting what you want. It is in learning to want what you get (Happy Quotes)
Of mortals there is no one who is happy. If wealth flows in upon one, one may be perhaps luckier than one's neighbor, but still not happy (Happy Quotes)
Happy is it to place a daughter; yet it pains a father's heart when he delivers to another's house a child, the object of his tender care (Happy Quotes)
That mortal is a fool who, prospering, thinks his life has any strong foundation; since our fortune's course of action is the reeling way a madman takes, and no one person is ever happy all the time (Happy Quotes)
They need each other. They always have and always will. Maybe he should just be happy with that fact. Not everyone gets to need someone and to be needed permanently, forever (Happy Quotes)
I was a fool! Loving someone who doesn't love you is hell! Don't ever let anyone convince you that you can be happy with someone who doesn't love you (Happy Quotes)
Why did happy memories fade and blur until one could scarcely recall them at all, while horrible memories seemed to retain their blinding clarity and painful sharpness? (Happy Quotes)
[on the secret to a happy, content life] Do you want to know what my secret is? I don't mind what happens (Happy Quotes)
Really, he called me that? Ellen DeGenerate? I've been getting that since fourth grade. I guess I'm happy I could give him work (Happy Quotes)
I have to mime at parties when everyone sings Happy Birthday... Mime or mumble and rumble and growl and grunt so deep that only moles, manta rays and mushrooms can hear me (Happy Quotes)
A real education takes place, not in the lecture hall or library, but in the rooms of friends, with earnest frolic and happy disputation (Happy Quotes)
The thing everyone should realize is that the key to happiness is being happy for yourself and yourself (Happy Quotes)
I was happy there. Which is to say I was not unhappy there. Unhappiness and happiness I have always been able to carry about with me, irrespective of place and people, because I have never joined in (Happy Quotes)
We've just learned how to balance ourselves a little better so that we're happier way more of the time than not, and, you know, being happy is a radical and desirable act if you ask me (Happy Quotes)
I wonder... when it was that the world first went amiss, and men forgot how to live and to love and to be happy (Happy Quotes)
We call happiness a certain set of circumstances that makes joy possible. But we call joy that state of mind and emotions that needs nothing to feel happy (Happy Quotes)
The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they're right if you love to be with them all the time (Happy Quotes)
I am turned into a dream. I feel nothing, or I don't know what I feel. Yet it seems to me I am happy (Happy Quotes)
We had a happy marriage because we were together all the time. We were friends as well as husband and wife. We just had a good time (Happy Quotes)
Some of life's best pleasures are simplest ones. Enrich your life with more of them and your heart will be happy (Happy Quotes)