Harder Quotes

Text Quotes
Goodbyes are hard. It may be harder for the person leaving, but it’s always hardest for the one left behind (Harder Quotes)
It’s harder to let go of someone you like, but it’s a better feeling finding someone new who will care just as much as you do (Harder Quotes)
Let us not underestimate the privileges of the mediocre. As one climbs higher, life becomes ever harder, the coldness increases, responsibility increases (Harder Quotes)
It’s really hard not letting go of someone you love, but it’s harder getting hurt by knowing the fact that you will never be together (Harder Quotes)
The only thing harder than walking away from something special, is looking back and not crying (Harder Quotes)
Sometimes there is nothing harder in life than being happy for somebody else (Harder Quotes)
The higher I build the walls around my heart, the harder I fall when someone tears them down (Harder Quotes)
Sometimes life seems hard, but we often make it harder than it is. All you ever have to decide is what to do next. It really is this simple (Harder Quotes)
Love is like standing on wet cement; the longer you stay, the harder it is to leave. You can never let go without leaving footprints behind (Harder Quotes)
It’s hard to wait around for something that you know might never happen; but it’s harder to give up when you know it’s everything you want (Harder Quotes)
We all must fight to be the best. Never give up. If you’re not getting your foot in the door, stop whining. Just work harder to improve (Harder Quotes)
The brain overlooks the flaws of a person you are in love with, making it harder to leave them after they’ve hurt you (Harder Quotes)
It might get a little harder before it gets easier. But it will get better, you just gotta make it through the hard stuff first (Harder Quotes)
The hardest decision you will ever have to make is either when to stay and try harder or when to just take your memories and walk away (Harder Quotes)
Never give up on the things you really want. It’s hard to wait, but even harder to regret (Harder Quotes)
Here’s to the dancers who love being inspired by others to dance harder and push themselves more (Harder Quotes)
My mother isn’t crazy. She simply has a harder time than most reconciling her reality with everyone else’s reality (Harder Quotes)
If you don’t rely on others to make you happy then it will be harder for people to make you mad as well (Harder Quotes)
Love is like quicksand: The deeper you fall in, it the harder it is to get out (Harder Quotes)
The more you complain, the harder your problem. The more you thank, the lighter your problem (Harder Quotes)
It’s hard when someone special ignores you, but it’s even harder pretending not to care (Harder Quotes)
Comedy, I imagine, is harder to do consistently than tragedy, but I like it spiced in the wine of sadness (Harder Quotes)
The truth is, I’m not mad at you. I just hate the fact that every time your name lights up on my phone, I fall for you a little bit harder (Harder Quotes)
Beginning is hard, pressing forward harder, not trying. Not an option! To live your dream begin now! (Harder Quotes)
It’s hard to wait for something you know will never happen, but it’s even harder to stop when you know it’s the most thing you ever wanted (Harder Quotes)
Look for something positive in each day, even if some days you have to look a little harder. Let the challenges make you strong (Harder Quotes)
It’s going to get harder before it gets easier. But it will get better, you just gotta make it through the hard stuff first (Harder Quotes)
One of the toughest parts of my life is deciding when to give up or when to try harder (Harder Quotes)
Life is harder when you complicate the simple things. Enjoy what you have and live your life (Harder Quotes)
How can one person bring so many tears to one little eye? It’s hard to fall in love, but even harder to say good bye (Harder Quotes)