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Harder Quotes

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Staying away from junk food and the pops-it’s something that, for me, is harder than doing the actual workouts. It’s so easy to get off-track. Like when you’re out with your buddies and they’re stopping at McDonald’s. You can’t have a Big Mac with them.  (Harder Quotes) I’ve done a lot of serious roles, but they’re, like, independent, so it’s harder for them to come out. The big ones have been comedies, but I would love to get a big drama to let people see the other side of me, that I am a serious actress.  (Harder Quotes) To try harder or give up are not difficult decisions when you have allowed yourself to envision the bigger picture.  (Harder Quotes) He was withdrawing. I think it was getting harder for him to accept his fate. Like a bird in a cage, he grew silent.  (Harder Quotes) We put stereotypes on ourselves. Everybody does that. But I think it’s just a little harder for black kids to just be who they are.  (Harder Quotes) The Bible, undoubtedly, is a mixed bag. I don’t see myself coming back to the Church. I do like the tradition. If you come from a strong culture, you can decide what you agree with and what you don’t agree with. If you’re given a blank canvas, it’s almost harder in life.  (Harder Quotes) I didn’t have all the expectations and the publicity. It probably made me work harder and learn more. It was a blessing in disguise.  (Harder Quotes) And I reminded myself that it’s easy to be grateful for the obvious blessings in life, much harder to be grateful for the tough moments and the lessons they teach.  (Harder Quotes) Jeb’d said it was harder for a pretty girl to find work; even white men liked flowers, whether red or pink or blue.  (Harder Quotes) Be like a branch of a tree; flex your body to face ‘wind of sorrow’ flex little harder to dance in the ‘wind of happiness’.  (Harder Quotes) It’s a lot harder to stick to my regime when I’m travelling, so when I’m home, I make sure that when I wake up in the morning, I drink one litre of water with lemon to cleanse my body from the inside, and then I’ll have a big jar of vegetable juice.  (Harder Quotes) I’d read one too many crime novels where the victim was just a name: body number one, dead woman number 12. I understood fear, and I wanted to create characters who made readers say, ‘Please, don’t hurt this guy.’ That’s the key to suspense. It’s easy to disgust a reader. It’s much harder to make them care.  (Harder Quotes) Do I know my lines? As I’m getting older, they’re getting harder to learn. The old brain cells are deteriorating.  (Harder Quotes) The challenges get harder as life gets going. But the brave heart says, challenges gets easier when faith is growing.  (Harder Quotes) It’s harder to take politics seriously, to understand the issues, than it is to drown it all in a sea of scorn. And while the world cries out for greater analysis and insight, we are distracted by bread and circuses, aka the ‘Great British Bake-Off’ and ‘Tumble.’ We should rediscover our tradition of satire. Of speaking truth unto power.  (Harder Quotes) It’s a lot harder to break bones in golf than motocross. But that made me fearless in a way.  (Harder Quotes) In breaking away from the familiar and the expected, you’ll be forced and privileged to face greater challenges, learn harder lessons, and really get to know yourself.  (Harder Quotes) Faith is always supposed to make it harder, not easier, to ignore the plight of our sisters and brothers. (p. 165)  (Harder Quotes) You know, a low budget, you have to work harder. You have to plan well; you don’t have much time to rehearse.  (Harder Quotes) People don’t realize that the Obama Administration has been, if anything, harder on whistleblowers than the Bush Administration. Part of the reason is that they know that the response will be more muted because the traditional constituency supporting whistleblowers just happen to be the same constituency as Obama’s.  (Harder Quotes) Google can say they are not in the content business, but if they are paying people and distributing and archiving their work, it is getting harder to make that case.  (Harder Quotes) There is no future in which bits will be harder to copy than they are today ... Any business model that based on the idea that bits will be harder to copy is doomed.  (Harder Quotes) When I was training for the Chicago Marathon, I would eat a cup of cereal after an 18-mile long run, and then I’d have to get out the door with nothing but a granola bar in my hand. I can’t change my busy schedule with my kids, but I can work harder to improve in this area. I think it’s a part of training that most of us find difficult.  (Harder Quotes) If you ask me about my success story, the secret is I know when to pull myself back. I don’t overexpose myself; I give proper gaps whenever I can. I do not over spend myself, I keep myself busy in lot of activities. I really work hard; I work harder than others, by focussing on my fitness level and studying music.  (Harder Quotes) There are not a ton of people buying cars - cars are expensive. So people usually go for the cheapest car they can get. And if the price of gasoline falls again, it makes the savings that you get with an electric car harder to realize.  (Harder Quotes) It is harder to get adult, character-driven material on television than it used to be, but there are lots of other places that you can go to sell it. If you can do it for basic cable or pay cable, we have those outlets.  (Harder Quotes) I find talking about my work harder than it might be if honesty wasn’t my calling card  (Harder Quotes) Whenever there’s a camera around, a video or film camera, it’s a great deal harder for those in power to bury the story.  (Harder Quotes) You’re playing and you think everything is going fine. Then one thing goes wrong. And then another. And another. You try to fight back, but the harder you fight, the deeper you sink. Until you can’t move... you can’t breathe... because you’re in over your head. Like quicksand.  (Harder Quotes) People who are prone to guilt tend to work harder and perform better than people who are not guilt-prone, and are perceived to be more capable leaders.  (Harder Quotes)
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