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Harm Quotes

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There’s no harm in hoping for the best as long as you’re prepared for the worst  (Harm Quotes) To free a man from error is to give, not to take away. Knowledge that a thing is false is a truth. Error always does harm; sooner or later it will bring mischief to the man who harbors it  (Harm Quotes) Remember, then, that whoever does not mean good is always in danger of harm. But I try to give everybody fair play, and those that are in the wrong are in far more need of it always than those who are in the right: they can afford to do without it  (Harm Quotes) The most fundamental aggression to ourselves, the most fundamental harm we can do to ourselves, is to remain ignorant by not having the courage and the respect to look at ourselves honestly and gently  (Harm Quotes) Oh, there was harm indeed for a young lady flattered by the brief attentions of a handsome man  (Harm Quotes) I’ve neither beauty, money, nor rank, yet every foolish boy mistakes my frank interest for something warmer, and makes me miserable. It is my misfortune. Think of me what you will, but beware of me in time, for against my will I may do you harm  (Harm Quotes) Technically, I am unarmed. But no one should ever underestimate the harm that fingernails can do. Especially if the target is unprepared  (Harm Quotes) Things written down can cause a great deal of harm. All too often, people don’t consider that  (Harm Quotes) Good people aren’t good because they never cause harm to others. They’re good because they treat others the best way they know how, with the understanding that they have  (Harm Quotes) Such then is the human condition, that to wish greatness for one’s country is to wish harm to one’s neighbors  (Harm Quotes) Never violate a woman, nor harm a child. Do not lie, cheat or steal. These things are for lesser men. Protect the weak against the evil strong. And never allow thoughts of gain to lead you into the persuit of evil  (Harm Quotes) But, in this separation I associate you only with the good and I will faithfully hold you to that always, for you have done far more good than harm, let me feel now what sharp distress I may  (Harm Quotes) The alcoholic and the drug addict harm only themselves by their behavior; the person who violates the rules of morality governing mans life in society harms not only himself, but everyone  (Harm Quotes) I mean putting yourself out there in the way of overwhelming happiness and knowing you’re also putting yourself in the way of terrible harm. I’m scared to be this happy. I’m scared to be this extreme  (Harm Quotes) Imagine me; I shall not exist if you do not imagine me; try to discern the doe in me, trembling in the forest of my own iniquity; let’s even smile a little. After all, there is no harm in smiling  (Harm Quotes) And money, if the pile gets high enough, is something like a big political party: it does as much harm as it does good, it puts too much power in too few hands, and the closer you come to it the dirtier you get  (Harm Quotes) In love, no one can harm anyone else; we are each responsible for our own feelings and cannot blame someone else for what we feel  (Harm Quotes) When you find yourself about to say something that crosses a line, something that could cause irreparable harm, sometimes the best you can do is just not say that thing  (Harm Quotes) A wise ruler takes advice, but should never be seen to take it. Let them think you know more than you do. It will not harm them, and it will help you  (Harm Quotes) When small towns find they cannot harm the strangest of their members, when eccentrics show resilience, they are eventually embraced and even cherished  (Harm Quotes) Oh man sometimes I wake up feel like a cat runover. Are you familiar with the stoical aspects of hard drinking, of heavy drinking? Oh it’s heavy. Oh it’s hard. It isn’t easy. Jesus, I never meant me any harm. All I wanted was a good time  (Harm Quotes) Animals have done us no harm and they have no power of resistance. There is something so very dreadful in tormenting those who have never harmed us, who cannot defend themselves, who are utterly in our power  (Harm Quotes) Of course, the liar often imagines that he does no harm as long as his lies go undetected  (Harm Quotes) There is more beauty than our eyes can bear, precious things have been put into our hands and to do nothing to honor them is to do great harm  (Harm Quotes) If you stepped out of the shower and saw a leprechaun standing at the base of your toilet, would you scream, or would you innately understand that he meant you no harm?  (Harm Quotes) Love can often be misguided and do as much harm as good, but respect can do only good. It assumes that the other person’s stature is as large as one’s own, his rights as reasonable, his needs as important  (Harm Quotes) Serious harm, I am afraid, has been wrought to our generation by fostering the idea that they would live secure in a permanent order of things  (Harm Quotes) We are not retreating, we are advancing in another direction. We sleep safely in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would harm us  (Harm Quotes) Losing touch with spirit does nothing to the field of creativity, which is beyond harm; but it can do much to damage a person’s chance in life  (Harm Quotes) So long as I am acting from duty and conviction, I am indifferent to taunts and jeers. I think they will probably do me more good than harm  (Harm Quotes)
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