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Harm Quotes

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The dead do not harm us, only the alive  (Harm Quotes) Sky and sea, keep harm from me. Earth and fire, bring my desire.  (Harm Quotes) Why is Iraq so easy to harm and so hard to help?  (Harm Quotes) Do no harm. Do good. Stay in love with God.  (Harm Quotes) Government does the least good and the most harm through subsidies  (Harm Quotes) The weak fear happiness itself. They can harm themselves on cotton wool. Sometimes they are wounded even by happiness  (Harm Quotes) You know what enormous harm we have been dealt by the publication of Pasternak's Doctor Zhivago. Everybody who has read your book, everybody who has seen the reviews are convinced that the potential harm from your Life and Fate would be far more dangerous than that of Doctor Zhivago  (Harm Quotes) He harms himself who does harm to another, and the evil plan is most harmful to the planner  (Harm Quotes) And oftentimes, to win us to our harm, the instruments of darkness tell us truths, win us with honest trifles, to betray's in deepest consequence  (Harm Quotes) I would never do anything to harm the country or anything improper. I think most people who have dealt with me think I'm a pretty straight sort of guy, and I am  (Harm Quotes) He who has loved and who betrays love does harm not only to the image of the past, but to the past itself  (Harm Quotes) Freedoms, like privileges, prevail or are imperiled together You cannot harm or strive to achieve one without harming or furthering all  (Harm Quotes) Reproof is a medicine like mercury or opium; if it be improperly administered, it will do harm instead of good  (Harm Quotes) A religious man is a person who holds God and man in one thought at one time, at all times, who suffers harm done to others, whose greatest passion is compassion, whose greatest strength is love and defiance of despair  (Harm Quotes) A man friends are more capable of working him harm than strangers; and his greatest danger lies in his own habits  (Harm Quotes) Be not affronted at a joke. If one throw salt at thee, thou wilt receive no harm, unless thou art raw  (Harm Quotes) At the end of the day it's about how much you can bear, how much you can endure. Being together, we harm nobody; being apart, we extinguish ourselves  (Harm Quotes) The natural principle of war is to do the most harm to our enemy with the least harm to ourselves; and this of course is to be effected by stratagem  (Harm Quotes) Spare me the sight of this thankless breed, these politicians who cringe for favors from a screaming mob and do not care what harm they do their friends, providing they can please a crowd!  (Harm Quotes) What is the knocking? What is the knocking at the door in the night? It is somebody who wants to do us harm. No, no, it is the three strange angels. Admit them, admit them  (Harm Quotes) Kids across the country have grown up accepting the idea that no one can harm your family if at least one of its adult members is in the shower. No one knows why  (Harm Quotes) The worst of rebels never arm To do their king or country harm, but draw their swords to do them good, as doctors cure by letting blood  (Harm Quotes) There is never the body of a man, how strong and stout soever, if it be troubled and inflamed, but will take more harm and offense by wine being poured into it  (Harm Quotes) Reverence for life affords me my fundamental principle of morality, namely that good consists in maintaining, assisting, and enhancing life, and that to destroy, to harm, or to hinder life is evil  (Harm Quotes) Everything is fine and bright. Day must follow every night. My power keeps me safe from harm. The Goddess holds me in her arms  (Harm Quotes) The shadow of greed, attachment is. What you fear to lose, train yourself to release. Let go of fear, and loss cannot harm you  (Harm Quotes) It's easy, after all, not to be a writer. Most people aren't writers, and very little harm comes to them  (Harm Quotes) I have learned to love that which is meant to harm me, so that I can stand in the way of those who are less strong. I can take the bullets for those who aren't able to  (Harm Quotes) If only we could see in advance all the harm that can come from the good we think we are doing  (Harm Quotes) Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured  (Harm Quotes)
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