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Harmony Quotes

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I have read that the ancients, when they had produced a sound, used to modulate it, heightening and lowering its pitch without departing from the rules of harmony. So must the artist do in working at the nude  (Harmony Quotes) The world is a projection of our collective consciousness. If our collective consciousness reaches that place of peace, harmony, laughter and love, it will be a different world  (Harmony Quotes) It is not always needful for truth to take a definite shape; it is enough if it hovers about us like a spirit and produces harmony; if it is wafted through the air like the sound of a bell, grave and kindly  (Harmony Quotes) I even think that, sentimentally, I am disposed to harmony. But organically I am incapable of a tune  (Harmony Quotes) You’ve made something grand, but it will be grander if it has feeling and beauty and harmony  (Harmony Quotes) Great corporations exist only because they are created and safeguarded by our institutions; and it is therefore our right and duty to see that they work in harmony with these institutions  (Harmony Quotes) We find the general work of mankind is being carried on from day to day by the mass of people acting in harmony as if by instinct. If they were instinctively violent, the world would end in no time  (Harmony Quotes) I don’t think people should be primarily concerned with money or material success. They should be concerned with doing that which is right and being in harmony with the way of life  (Harmony Quotes) The man who contemplates the universe with his eyes wide open is the man with the greatest amount of natural piety; not in the religious sense, but in the sense of an intimate harmony with things  (Harmony Quotes) Youth looks at its world and age looks through it; youth must get busy on problems whose outlines stand single and strenuous before it, while age can, with luck, achieve a cosmic private harmony unsuited for action as a rule  (Harmony Quotes) Everybody does the same mistake: refusing the means, but wanting the ends. You want peace and harmony in the world, but refuse to have them in yourself  (Harmony Quotes) Religion is about increasing peace and harmony in the world.... People of all different religions should be given the opportunity to pursue good in their own way  (Harmony Quotes) We must all work together if we are all to live together in unity and harmony  (Harmony Quotes) In crowds we have unison, in groups harmony. We want the single voice but not the single note; that is the secret of the group  (Harmony Quotes) Virtue is the music of the soul, the harmony of the passions; it is the order, the symmetry, the interior beauty of the mind; the source of the truest pleasures, the fountain of the sublimest and most perfect happiness  (Harmony Quotes) Painting, which is essentially a rhythmic harmony of coloured spaces. Realism was the death of art. Great art should come from the harmony of two lines  (Harmony Quotes) The theme, or harmony, of a painting can be created by any one of its visual elements. A single colour... repetition of shapes... Light can be a theme  (Harmony Quotes) My favorite thing is to be naked, which is why I always live in remote areas. My ideal is to wake in the morning and run around the meadows naked. I think it’s a good idea to live in harmony with nature  (Harmony Quotes) School can become a temple of learning only when the student, the guardian, and the society, in harmony, endeavor to make it a place of pursuit for education, a sadhana; where the spring of punctuality, sanctity and thirst for knowledge flows  (Harmony Quotes) I think if we can be totally nonviolent within our own self, because we are part of the web of life, we will restore cosmic harmony  (Harmony Quotes) Everyone has a need to do penance. It’s a basic need, like washing. It’s about harmony, an absolutely essential inner balance. It’s the balance we call morality  (Harmony Quotes) Unlimited power may be available when two or more people coordinate their thoughts and actions in a spirit of perfect harmony for the attainment of a definite purpose  (Harmony Quotes) The power of verse stems from an indefinable harmony between when it says and what it is  (Harmony Quotes) Regular meditation not only restores our inner harmony and vital energy, but provides us with an actual experience of the peace we seek  (Harmony Quotes) My dream would be a multicultural society, one that is diverse and where every man, woman and child are treated equally. I dream of a world where all people of all races work together in harmony  (Harmony Quotes) I want a better world, I want love and harmony amongst people no matter what color you are, what race or what background you come from or sexual orientation  (Harmony Quotes) Until we eliminate the mentality of violence, we will not find the harmony within ourselves we’re looking for  (Harmony Quotes) The great cause which divides our countries is not to be decided by individual animosities. The harmony of private societies cannot weaken national efforts  (Harmony Quotes) Happier of happy though I be, like them I cannot take possession of the sky, mount with a thoughtless impulse, and wheel there, one of a mighty multitude whose way and motion is a harmony and dance magnificent  (Harmony Quotes) Still, it will sometimes strike a scientific man that the philosophers have been less intent on finding out what the facts are, than on inquiring what belief is most in harmony with their system  (Harmony Quotes)
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