Harold B Lee Quotes

Text Quotes
Stay true in the dark, and humble in the spotlight (Harold B Lee Quotes)
Our father in heaven governs the affairs of men by placing specific individuals upon the earth to lead at specific times and inspiring and directing them. (Harold B Lee Quotes)
I bear you my witness that the Savior is closer to us than you have any idea. He will be close to you and the powers divine will be at your side when you have nowhere else to turn. (Harold B Lee Quotes)
I want to say something to you men. You cannot destroy the appointment of a prophet of God, but you can cut the thread that binds you to the prophet of God, and sink yourselves to hell (Harold B Lee Quotes)
It isn’t the Lord who withholds himself from us. It is we who withhold ourselves from him because of our failure to keep his commandments (Harold B Lee Quotes)
Conversion must mean more than just being a ‘card-carrying’ member of the church with a tithing receipt, a membership card, a temple recommend, etc. It means to overcome the tendencies to criticize and to strive continually to improve inward weaknesses and not merely the outward appearances (Harold B Lee Quotes)
Missionary work is but home teaching to those who are not now members of the Church, and home teaching is nothing more or less than missionary work to Church members (Harold B Lee Quotes)
How glorious and near to the angels is youth that is clean. This youth has joy unspeakable here and eternal happiness hereafter. Sexual purity is youth’s most precious possession. It is the foundation of all righteousness (Harold B Lee Quotes)
Every man stamps his value on himself. The price we challenge for ourselves is given us by others. -Man is made great or little by his own will (Harold B Lee Quotes)
You are equipped with strong bodies and educated minds. Add to these an unshakable faith in a divine providence and you have the tools by which you may build a successful life. Make each day your masterpiece and live so nobly that you may witness honestly each day: Whatever came to your hands this day, you did it to the best of your ability (Harold B Lee Quotes)
We can be the best taught people on the face of the earth but the trouble is we don’t live as well as we have been taught (Harold B Lee Quotes)
Pure womanhood plus priesthood means exaltation. But womanhood without priesthood, or priesthood without pure womanhood doesn’t spell exaltation (Harold B Lee Quotes)
Never permit yourself to indulge in cheap flattery, which often times means to merely satisfy the individuals vanity and sometimes to ingratiate the flatter into the good graces of the flattered (Harold B Lee Quotes)
You must learn to walk to the edge of the light, and then a few steps into the darkness; then the light will appear and show the way before you (Harold B Lee Quotes)
Testimony is not something you have today, and you are going to have always. A testimony is fragile. It is as hard to hold as a moonbeam. It is something you have to recapture every day of your life (Harold B Lee Quotes)
You cannot lift another soul until you are standing on higher ground than he is. You cannot light a fire in another soul unless it is burning in your own soul (Harold B Lee Quotes)
Our father in heaven governs the affairs of men by placing specific individuals upon the earth to lead at specific times and inspiring and directing them (Harold B Lee Quotes)
Don’t be down on that you’re not up on (Harold B Lee Quotes)
Don’t try to live too many days at a time (Harold B Lee Quotes)
Life is fragile, handle with prayer (Harold B Lee Quotes)
The heaviest burden that one has to bear in this life is the burden of sin (Harold B Lee Quotes)
Happiness does not depend on what happens outside of you, but what happens inside of you (Harold B Lee Quotes)
The most important work you and I will ever do will be within the walls of our own homes (Harold B Lee Quotes)