Harvey Pekar Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m from the beatnik generation, where everybody wanted to be a poet or writer or something. And at that time, I was a jazz critic, and I was always thinking, theorizing about what makes great art or what’s important in art. (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
I have to be a freelance writer for the rest of my life, unless I get some kind of real lucky break. But other than that, I’ll always have to work. I always worry about whether my stuff is going to get over. Will they like this, will they like that? (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
I was influenced by autobiographical writers like Henry Miller, and I had actually done some autobiographical prose. But I just thought that comics were like virgin territory. There was so much to be done. It excited me. I couldn’t draw very well. I could write scripts and storyboard style using stick figures and balloons and captions. (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
I try and write the way things happen. I don’t try and fulfill people’s wishe (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
I really don’t have a lot in common with the people who attend the Comic Con. It’s like assuming that all people who write prose are the same (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
I met Robert Crumb in 1962; he lived in Cleveland for a while. I took a look at his stuff. Crumb was doing stuff beyond what other writers and artists were doing. It was a step beyond Mad (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
I decided I was going to tell these stories. I went around and met Crumb. He was the cartoonist. I started realizing comics weren’t just kid stuff (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
I came up with American Splendor. Some people think it’s American Squalor (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
Plays have been made of my comics (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
Letterman... He got his problems. We don’t get along too well (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
Im pretty aggressive, and maybe obnoxious, about trying to get work (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
People who are readers of fiction aren’t particularly interested in comic books (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
I’m a guy that likes to sit in one place (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
Ordinary life is pretty complex stuff (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
Comics are words and pictures. You can do anything with words and pictures (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
Every ethnic group thinks they are the chosen ones. … (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
I think comics have far more potential than a lot of people realize (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
Everybody’s like everybody else, and everybody’s different from everybody else (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
I don’t write about certain arguments I have with my wife. I’d get my head torn off if wrote about certain things (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
I think you can do anything with comics that you could do in just about any art form (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
I continue to be disappointed that people don’t try and diversify the kind of work they are doing in comics (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
I thought I had a great opportunity when I started doing my comic book in 1972. I thought there was so much territory to work in (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
The film's success so far involves winning a couple of prizes at Cannes and Sundance, and getting some very nice reviews in newspapers and magazines. That hasn't had a big impact on my life yet (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
I wake up every morning in a cold sweat, regardless of how well things went the day before. And put that I said that in a somewhat but not completely tongue in cheek way (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
You can find heroism everyday, like guys working terrible jobs because they've got to support their families. Or as far as humor, the things I see on the job, on the street, are far funnier than anything you'll ever see on TV (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
I like to go back over history and check out what people have written and whether I agree with it or not (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
It makes you feel good to know that there’s other people afflicted like you (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
As a matter of fact, I deliberately look for the mundane, because I feel these stories are ignored. The most influential things that happen to virtually all of us are the things that happen on a daily basis. Not the traumas (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
It’s the stuff that happens right in front of your face when there’s no routine and everything is unexpected. That’s what I want to write about (Harvey Pekar Quotes)
I wanted to write literature that pushed people into their lives rather than helping people escape from them (Harvey Pekar Quotes)