Has anyone ever told you that you're a bit weird? They never really stop

Has anyone ever told you that you're a bit weird? They never really stop
In the world of Doctor Who, being called weird is practically a badge of honor. The Doctor, a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, is known for their eccentricity, quirkiness, and sometimes downright bizarre behavior. Throughout the show's long history, companions, enemies, and even other Time Lords have all commented on the Doctor's peculiarities, with many remarking that they are indeed a bit weird.The Doctor's eccentricity is evident in many aspects of their character. From their ever-changing appearance and quirky fashion sense to their tendency to speak in riddles and non-sequiturs, the Doctor is unlike any other character in the sci-fi genre. Their alien nature, combined with their vast intelligence and centuries of experience, make them a truly unique and enigmatic figure.
Despite their oddities, the Doctor is also known for their compassion, bravery, and unwavering dedication to protecting the universe from all manner of threats. Their willingness to put themselves in harm's way for the greater good, as well as their ability to inspire others to do the same, make them a hero in the truest sense of the word.
But even as they save the day time and time again, the Doctor's weirdness never goes unnoticed. Companions like Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, and Clara Oswald have all remarked on the Doctor's strange behavior, with some even questioning their sanity. Enemies like the Daleks and the Cybermen have also labeled the Doctor as a madman, a dangerous renegade who must be stopped at all costs.
And yet, despite the constant criticism and skepticism, the Doctor remains true to themselves. They embrace their weirdness, using it to their advantage in their never-ending quest to right wrongs and defeat evil. As the Doctor once said, "In 900 years of time and space, I've never met anyone who wasn't important." And perhaps it is this acceptance of all beings, no matter how strange or different, that truly sets the Doctor apart.