Has the world ever been changed by anything save the thought and it's magic vehicle the word?

Has the world ever been changed by anything save the thought and it's magic vehicle the word?
Thomas Mann, the renowned German novelist and essayist, was a firm believer in the power of thought and words to shape the world. Throughout his works, Mann explored the transformative potential of ideas and language, and how they have the ability to change society and individuals alike.In Mann's novel "The Magic Mountain," the protagonist Hans Castorp undergoes a profound intellectual and spiritual journey during his stay at a sanatorium in the Swiss Alps. Through his interactions with other patients and the philosophical discussions that take place within the walls of the sanatorium, Castorp is exposed to new ideas and ways of thinking that challenge his beliefs and ultimately lead to his personal transformation.
Mann's belief in the power of thought and words is also evident in his essay "The Coming Victory of Democracy," in which he argues that democracy is not just a political system, but a way of thinking and being. Mann believed that democracy could only thrive in a society where individuals were free to express their thoughts and ideas, and where the power of words could be used to inspire and unite people towards a common goal.
Throughout his career, Mann used his writing to challenge conventional wisdom and provoke thought among his readers. His works often explore complex philosophical and moral questions, and he was not afraid to tackle controversial topics such as the nature of evil, the role of art in society, and the meaning of life.