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Hate Quotes

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Why have a pet hate? Why should it be confined? My hate is both wide ranging and total  (Hate Quotes) Take risks... be willing to put your mind and your spirit, your time and your energy, your stomach and your emotions on the line. To search for a safe place, to search for an end to a rainbow, is to search for a place that you will hate once you find it. The soul must be nourished along with the bank account and the resume. The best nourishment for any soul is to create your own risks  (Hate Quotes) I do so hate to be forced to be anything than other than what I am  (Hate Quotes) I hate to lose, and I do whatever I can to win, and if it is ugly, it is ugly  (Hate Quotes) Not to mention the fact that of course terrorists hate freedom. I think they do hate. But believe me, I don’t think they sit there abstractly hating freedom  (Hate Quotes) Why hate someone for the color of their skin when there are much better reasons to hate them  (Hate Quotes) I find waiting unbearable because it makes me passive and negates me. I hate being nothing  (Hate Quotes) There si nothing upon the face of the earth so insipid as a medium. Give me love or hate! A friend that will go to jail for me, or an enemy that will run me through the body!  (Hate Quotes) I suppose things are better now, but... I don’t know. People still hate each other, they just know how to hide it better  (Hate Quotes) Do not despise or hate your neighbor because he has been a success; take care of your own case  (Hate Quotes) Whenever I hear a man or women express hatred for any race, I wonder just what it is in themselves they hate so much. You can always be sure of this: You cannot express hatred for anything or anybody unless you make use of the supply of hatred within yourself. The only hatred you can express is your own personal possession. To hate is to be enslaved by evil  (Hate Quotes) I hate and love. You ask, perhaps, how can that be? I know not, but I feel the agony  (Hate Quotes) So many of the models of courage we’ve had, ones that are still taught to boys and girls, are about going out to slay the dragon, to kill. It’s a courage that’s born out of fear, anger, and hate. But there’s this other kind of courage. It’s the courage to risk your life, not in war, not in battle, not out of fear... but out of love and a sense of injustice that has to be challenged. It takes far more courage to challenge unjust authority without violence than it takes to kill all the monsters in all the stories told to children about the meaning of bravery  (Hate Quotes) I hate being told I can’t do something because I’m a girl!  (Hate Quotes) Women hate each other in science. You know why? Because the few that are around were trained by men. They survived by being twice as good and twice as competitive and twice as badass as the guys  (Hate Quotes) Men make the mistake of thinking that because women can’t see the sense in violence, they must be passive creatures. It’s just not true. In one important way, at least, men are the passive sex. Given a choice, they will always opt for the status quo. They hate change of any kind, and they fight against it constantly. On the other hand, what women want is stability, which when you stop to think about it is a very different animal  (Hate Quotes) I hate and I love. And if you ask me how, I do not know: I only feel it, and I am torn in two  (Hate Quotes) I think my mother is my biggest influence. There are so many things I hate about her but at the same time I’m thankful for her. All I know is that when I’m a parent I want to be just like my mom. I can talk to my mom more than any of my friends could talk to their parents  (Hate Quotes) It’s totally outrageous,... for someone to take these domain names and then solicit funds, run them through what looks like a legitimate charity using pictures and other hurricane victims, when in reality that money was running to his hate sites  (Hate Quotes) Hate crimes based on sexual orientation are among the three top reported hate crimes after race and religion,... Our laws should not ignore that reality  (Hate Quotes) We hate to be cheering for high gas prices. The reality is that’s what’s happening  (Hate Quotes) I hate to call it crossfire, what the rapid action battalion attributes for the custodial deaths, as there must be two parties in any such incident. But the reality is the just found body of the victim  (Hate Quotes) There are some people who think you have to hate them in order to shoot them. I don’t think you do. It’s just business  (Hate Quotes) Hate and love are essentially the same in that the person who loves is as easily manipulated as a person who hates  (Hate Quotes) At times I enjoy writing and at others times I just hate it because it’s definitely having to go back and experience some pain and express what you really feel  (Hate Quotes) I play tennis for a living even though I hate tennis, hate it with a dark and secret passion and always have  (Hate Quotes) I hate it when they tell us how far we’ve came to be; as if our people’s history started with slavery  (Hate Quotes) For what reason then do the realists show themselves so unfriendly toward philosophy? Because they misunderstand their own calling and with all their might want to remain restricted instead of becoming unrestricted! Why do they hate abstractions? Because they themselves are abstract since they abstract from the perfection of themselves, from the elevation of redeeming truth!  (Hate Quotes) We are near 2010….2010!! Yet race, sex and religion still play a major role in a hate driven society. For the love of the future and humanity….let’s wake up  (Hate Quotes) I never meant to be a sexual object for anyone but my husband. I never thought a picture of my body would be tacked up in men’s bathrooms. I hate men looking at me and thinking what they think. And I know what they think. They write and tell me  (Hate Quotes)
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