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Hate Quotes

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Hate is a terrible thing. It’s a wasteful, stupid emotion. You can hate someone with all your heart, but it’ll never do them a bit of harm. The only person it hurts is you. You can spend your days hating, letting it eat away at you, and the person you hate will go on living just the same. So, what’s the point?  (Hate Quotes) Write as you like, use the rhythms that come out, try different instruments, sit at the piano, destroy the metric, shout instead of singing, blow your guitar and ring the horn. Hate mathematics, and love eddies. Creation is a bird without a flight plan, that will never fly in a straight line  (Hate Quotes) In fact, theres a lot to legitimately hate about pro sports and the way they are conducted  (Hate Quotes) To suppress minority thinking and minority expression would tend to freeze society and prevent progress. Now more than ever we must keep in the forefront of our minds the fact that whenever we take away the liberties of those we hate, we are opening the way to loss of liberty for those we love  (Hate Quotes) I remember there was someone. Someone to love. Someone to hate. And I was something. Something special. And proud of it. For a time. Then they turned on me. He turned on me. I remember... dying  (Hate Quotes) I don’t want to describe the hate mail we’ve gotten. On why she was fearful of her husband running for president  (Hate Quotes) Do what you love, but be damned sure it’s profitable. If you do work you love, but it doesn’t generate income, your business will fail. If you do work you hate, but it generates income, your health will fail... and your business along with it. If you can’t do what you love and make it profitable, you’ve either got a hobby or a headache, not a sustainable business. Don’t settle for anything less than passion and profit  (Hate Quotes) Man has tried his suicide with bigotry and hate, but in the end he’ll kill himself with nothing but his waste  (Hate Quotes) Try to feel and give only love and compassion to every one; you will be happy. Don’t judge or hate anything. You will be unhappy  (Hate Quotes) If every man,... ceased to hate and blame every other man for his own failures and shortcomings, we would see the end of every evil in the world, from war to backbiting  (Hate Quotes) What you yourself hate, don’t do to your neighbor. This is the whole law; the rest is commentary. Go and study  (Hate Quotes) Education begins by teaching children to read and ends by making most of them hate reading  (Hate Quotes) Never become too good at something you hate, they’ll make you do it the rest of your life  (Hate Quotes) A champion is suppose to hate to lose, and it wasn’t like I was ever crazy about the idea. But I learned to deal with losing without having my spirit or confidence broken, which would help immensely over time, not just in the big picture but even in specific matches when I found myself in a jam. Fear of losing is a terrible thing  (Hate Quotes) There is a place on earth that is a vast desolate wilderness, a place populated by shadows of the dead in their multitudes, a place where the living are dead, where only death, hate and pain exist  (Hate Quotes) Here we go again. Always a few drinks, but sometimes even sober, we play the unhappiness game; endlessly round and round. Ding dong. Tighter and tighter. On and on. Push me pull you. Come here and I’ll tell you how much I hate you. Hang on a minute while I leave you. All the while we know we are missing the point, whatever the point used to be  (Hate Quotes) Genius attracts more hate than love and more disrespect than respect; at least for the first few hundred years  (Hate Quotes) So many people want me to hate him and destroy him, but I don’t want to. I want him to be happy. He’s not a bad person  (Hate Quotes) The reason why I love people, and writing about them, is because they don’t always respond with hate and anger. If they did I wouldn’t have a story to tell. Who wants to know about someone who was brutalised and became brutal? I’m interested in the exceptions  (Hate Quotes) In any case, community is not about perfect people. It is about people who are bonded to each other, each of whom is a mixture of good and bad, darkness and light, love and hate  (Hate Quotes) Creating art or something beautiful makes you a more fulfilled person than they can ever be because they’re caught up in what they hate rather than what they love  (Hate Quotes) Not every child takes instantly to books like a duck to water, but I don’t believe there are children who hate books. There are just children who haven’t yet found the right books for them  (Hate Quotes) Do everything possible so that liberty is victorious over oppression, justice over injustice, love over hate  (Hate Quotes) I like mountains, always have done. Big obstinate bits of rock sticking up where they’re not wanted and getting in folk’s way. Great. Climbing them is a different matter altogether though. I hate that  (Hate Quotes) There is something to be said about a guy who is attractive and doesn’t know it. I hate men who are overconfident  (Hate Quotes) I hate to see a guy who insults a girl or is bad with her. Immediately I think she would be better if she was with me  (Hate Quotes) I hate it when girls act stupid ‘cause they think it’s cute. Intelligence is sexy  (Hate Quotes) Work hard to discover your gift and you will never envy or hate another human being who is manifesting theirs  (Hate Quotes) The irony of conversing with a stranger is that your individual lives always look very different and personal, but then you strip away the nuances to find a common likeness buried inside of diversity. Take away money and geography and we’re all just flesh and blood and soul. We’re all dealing with sin and forgiveness, love and hate, glory and shame  (Hate Quotes) I hate to admit it, but you can’t do a role unless it’s somewhere in your psyche. People don’t realize how vast the subconscious is. It’s like infinity  (Hate Quotes)
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