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Hate Quotes

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I always go heavy and I always go to failure. Even when I tell myself I’m gonna go easy, once I get to the gym and start working, I never end up going easy. I hate leaving the floor feeling like I could have done more weight or more reps. I just love working out and going further than I ever did before  (Hate Quotes) I do so hate finishing books. I would like to go on with them for years  (Hate Quotes) We worship education but hate learning. We worship success but hate the successful. We worship fame but hate the famous  (Hate Quotes) Life is like any other contact sport; you’re gonna get your knocks. But it’s not the knocks that count, it’s how you handle them. If you handle them with anger, distrust, jealousy, hate, this in return is what you’re going to get. But if you handle these knocks with love and understanding, they don’t mean much. They just dissipate  (Hate Quotes) If you hate to lose, you do whatever you need to do to make sure you’re business is successful  (Hate Quotes) I know you have the capability to understand right from wrong because you hate people who harm children. Well, why not despise people who harm animals? It’s hypocritical! Why protect one and violate the other when neither one wants or deserves the abuse? They just wish it would end. Stop praising the innocence in children then ignoring or making fun of the innocence in animals  (Hate Quotes) There’s only 2 reasons that you hate gay marriage; 1. You’re dumb, or 2. You’re secretly worried that dicks are delicious  (Hate Quotes) I love a good man outside the law, just as much as I hate a bad man inside the law  (Hate Quotes) ... you shouldn’t hate something you don’t know, because it may turn out to be the bearer of your greatest good fortune  (Hate Quotes) You know, the camera is not meant just to show misery. You can show things that you like about the universe, things that you hate about the universe. It’s capable of doing both  (Hate Quotes) My epiphany came in that police cell: I realized I was about to lose everything and it didn’t bother me, not in the slightest. I’d come to hate cycling because I blamed it for the lie I was living  (Hate Quotes) No one is born with hate in their heart. Hate is something that has been taught. It is not an innate survival skill that we need; It is a form of stupidity that penetrates our minds and will eventually destroy us  (Hate Quotes) I believe people are still wonderful in hating. They hate what they don’t understand, they hate each other. No matter what anyone says, this world is still not a bit more tolerante than it was before  (Hate Quotes) Love is a learned behavior. If you don’t learn how to love yourself someone will teach you how to hate yourself  (Hate Quotes) The secret to happiness is to be working at your passion. If you want to be miserable, lead a desperate life like everybody else where they drag their asses to work everyday because they hate their job  (Hate Quotes) When you love yourself, you’ll feel sorry for those that hate you instead of hating them back  (Hate Quotes) One attribute of the human being is the potential to keep on growing, to keep on developing. And I think there’s room in each of us. I hate to hear someone say, oh well, that man or that woman is sixty or seventy or eighty or ninety or a hundred, so he’s finished. There’s always something that can be transformed on the upward spiral  (Hate Quotes) We’re each given one life, and it’s our job to make it useful, beautiful, and fulfilling. There is no value in suffering through it, doing something we hate. There’s no prize at the end for that kind of endurance. Just a spent life  (Hate Quotes) I want to look into a mirror that will love my own reflection harder than I hate myself  (Hate Quotes) I’m not the sort of person who poses in their underwear. I hate the red carpet. I prefer the green grass. After the games the highlights show mostly the goals, scoring chances, assists. The spectator tends not to remember that as a goalkeeper I make difficult saves at great risk and start moves with my efforts  (Hate Quotes) Serious and intense people, they drain you. But someone who’s an idiot, like myself, they’re fun. You either hate me or you love me  (Hate Quotes) I’d hate to have a job where I had to be rude to people  (Hate Quotes) My problem is that people get intimidated by someone big and beautiful like me. They hate to think I can be smart as well  (Hate Quotes) Most actors hate watching their own films because all you can see is the glaring mistakes, your own tricks and ticks  (Hate Quotes) I don’t know if I’m an action star or if that’s just how things are shaping up. I would hate to be boxed into that forever, but it’s probably just a strength as far as my type goes, and I’m fine with that  (Hate Quotes) I hate pretty. It’s a very empty word. It gives a bad name to beauty  (Hate Quotes) I hate a messy closet. I totally freak out when my closet is messy and I can’t find anything  (Hate Quotes) Innately, there are qualities in human beings that are always repetitive. There are things like love and hate and jealousy that are just going to be there forever  (Hate Quotes) You can’t expect everyone to love you. I’m not someone who just wants to throw out hate, just because  (Hate Quotes) We don’t come out of the womb filled with prejudice, racism, and homophobia. Kids are taught to hate, so we have to protect our young people’s minds from those evils  (Hate Quotes)
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