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I was terrified of vault, like literally I hated it. I had a fear of running as fast as I could at a solid object, which is I think a normal fear to have because nobody would really want to do that. Once I got over the fear of running into the table I just kind of relaxed and now it’s like autopilot. I love it.  (Hated Quotes) Strange story about Degas. He hated women, didn’t want to be with them. Yet he spent much of his life painting them. He had seen his father maltreat his mother, must have had a deep fear that he’d do the same thing.  (Hated Quotes) I hated labels anyway. People didn’t fit in slots--prostitute, housewife, saint--like sorting the mail. We were so mutable, fluid with fear and desire, ideals and angles, changeable as water.  (Hated Quotes) The real Jack Johnson was both more and less than those who loved or those who hated him ever knew. He embodied American individualism in its purest form; nothing - no law or custom, no person white or black, male or female - could keep him for long from whatever he wanted.  (Hated Quotes) I was a weirdo. I wasn’t picked on or anything. And I wasn’t smarter than the other kids; that’s not why I didn’t fit in. I’ve always had this weird anxiety. I hated recess. I didn’t like field trips. Parties really stressed me out. And I had a very different sense of humour.  (Hated Quotes) Full House was a show that was done for ten-year-olds. The critics hated it. They said terrible, terrible things about it. But it should have been reviewed by ten-year-olds. That’s who it was made for. They loved it. And if they loved it, great. Why the hell does a fifty-year-old guy working at a big newspaper have to tell me I’m a piece of crap?  (Hated Quotes) When you’re doing a movie, you’re in and out of there in three months. If you hated the experience, it’s all good because you can take the paycheck and leave. But, on a television show, you have to love your character and you have to love the experience because you could be there for awhile, fingers crossed.  (Hated Quotes) When I first started writing, it was me alone with a computer in my apartment. I hated the time away from other people, and my writing sucked. Now I have a laptop; I can do the most tedious part of my job in a public place.  (Hated Quotes) For a long time I wanted to do the kind of work my dad did. He was going to ask his foreman at the mill to put me on after I graduated. So I worked at the mill for about six months. But I hated the work and knew from the first day I didn’t want to do that for the rest of my life.  (Hated Quotes) When Andrew [Ridgeley] first met my family, he heard my mom calling me Yorgos. He just abbreviated it to Yog, and unfortunately it stuck. I hated it is a teenager. It was not the most glamorous-sounding name in the world.  (Hated Quotes) When I was in high school, my mom hated football. But then, the more I played, the more it grew on her. This game has done a lot for my family - not just from a financial standpoint, but it also helped bring my family together.  (Hated Quotes) I grew up in a craftsman’s home, where things were done with our own hands. I did cabinetmaking for four years and I hated it.  (Hated Quotes) We are simultaneously the most hated, loved, feared and admired nation on this planet. In short, we are Frank Sinatra. And the Chairman didn’t make his bones laying down for punks...  (Hated Quotes) When you tell people you’re in history, they give you this pained expression because that was the course they hated in high school. But history can be exciting, intellectually rigorous, and fun.  (Hated Quotes) Of course I do not regret the Bond days, I regret that sadly heroes in general are depicted with guns in their hands, and to tell the truth I have always hated guns and what they represent.  (Hated Quotes) George Washington hated the guerrillas. He wanted to imitate the British red coat armies, fighting as gentlemen are supposed to fight.  (Hated Quotes) I lived in Atlanta for a couple of years while getting my masters at Georgia State. I thought I hated it at the time, but I’ve been back a couple of times since, and there’s no place I’ve lived to which returning is so much like visiting a place I only remember from my dreams.  (Hated Quotes) I remember so many girls when I was growing up who hated the way they looked  (Hated Quotes) I know politics and politicians are hated, but I still believe in goodness of a heart that has selfless intentions. With the grace of God, I will make a difference.  (Hated Quotes) I was a boarding school product from the age of eight, and I hated it. Though I do have a theory that boarding school is good training for writers because it’s so desperately lacking in privacy: you make space for yourself by having an interior life.  (Hated Quotes) It was like pulling teeth trying to get me to L.A. I hated it for so long, but now I’ve got this great life here.  (Hated Quotes) She was of the stuff of which great men’s mothers are made. She was indispensable to high generation, hated at tea parties, feared in shops, and loved at crises.  (Hated Quotes) Having grown up in dire poor, the thing that I hated the most in life was poverty  (Hated Quotes) I was never into hanging out on the Sunset Strip. When it came to Guns N’ Roses and the scene that was going on then, that was something we pretty much hated. That was what we had to scratch and claw through, and as soon as we got established enough to leave, we never went back.  (Hated Quotes) One who hates is a man holding a magnifying-glass, and when he hates someone, he knows precisely that person’s surface, from the soles of his feet all the way up to each hair on the hated head.  (Hated Quotes) I hated Chris, my brother. I would pull his hair and kick him, until one day my father gave him permission to fight back. I’ll be apologizing to him for the rest of my life.  (Hated Quotes) One of my biggest influences of all time would probably be one of my soccer coaches, Coach Darlington, from high school. He was always trying to get me to push myself really hard. No excuses. I always hated him, but it paid off. I think that’s what life is all about... when you push through the hard stuff and it pays off.  (Hated Quotes) I was a rebellious adolescent. It was the 60s. Everyone was rebellious. I hated high school.  (Hated Quotes) I’ve made records that everyone has hated and I’ve loved, and made records that everyone has loved and I’ve deemed, at best, mediocre.  (Hated Quotes) I hated sports. I hated sports, and I hated people who played them, and I hated people who watched them, and I hated people who didn’t hate people who watched or played them.  (Hated Quotes)
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