Have more than thou showest; speak less than thou knowest

Have more than thou showest; speak less than thou knowest
In William Shakespeare's play "King Lear," the character of Kent speaks the famous line, "Have more than thou showest; speak less than thou knowest." This advice is given to the character of Oswald, who is a servant to the Duke of Cornwall. Kent is advising Oswald to be cautious in how he presents himself and to not reveal all that he knows.This advice can be interpreted in various ways, but one of the key themes is the importance of discretion and humility. In the context of the play, Kent is warning Oswald not to reveal too much information or to boast about his knowledge. This is because in the world of the play, knowledge is power, and revealing too much can make one vulnerable to manipulation and betrayal.
The idea of having more than you show and speaking less than you know is also a reflection of the complex and often deceptive nature of human relationships. In "King Lear," characters are constantly scheming and plotting against each other, and it is often those who appear the most humble and unassuming who are the most dangerous.
Shakespeare's advice can also be applied to the real world, where the ability to keep one's cards close to the chest and to not reveal all that one knows can be a valuable skill. In a world where information is power, knowing when to speak and when to remain silent can be the difference between success and failure.
Overall, Shakespeare's advice to "have more than thou showest; speak less than thou knowest" is a timeless lesson in the art of discretion and humility. It serves as a reminder that sometimes it is better to keep one's knowledge and abilities hidden, rather than to flaunt them for all to see.