Have you not observed that faith is generally strongest in those whose character may be called the weakest?

Have you not observed that faith is generally strongest in those whose character may be called the weakest?
Madame de Stael, a prominent figure in French literature and politics during the 18th and 19th centuries, was known for her strong beliefs and convictions. She was a woman of great intellect and influence, but also faced many personal struggles and challenges throughout her life. In light of the quote, "Have you not observed that faith is generally strongest in those whose character may be called the weakest?" one could argue that Madame de Stael's own experiences and beliefs align with this sentiment.Despite her outward appearance of strength and confidence, Madame de Stael faced numerous setbacks and hardships in her personal life. She endured a tumultuous marriage, political persecution, and the loss of loved ones. These challenges could be seen as weakening her character in the eyes of society, yet it was during these difficult times that her faith and beliefs were most evident.
Madame de Stael's faith was not necessarily in a religious sense, but rather in her own convictions and principles. She believed strongly in the power of reason, freedom of expression, and the pursuit of knowledge. These beliefs were unwavering, even in the face of adversity. It was during her darkest moments that her faith in these ideals was most apparent, as she continued to fight for what she believed in, despite the odds stacked against her.