Havelock Ellis Quotes

Text Quotes
Liberty is always unfinished business (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
Heroes exterminate each other for the benefit of people who are not heroes (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
It is here [in mathematics] that the artist has the fullest scope of his imagination (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
The husband - by primitive instinct partly, certainly by ancient tradition - regards himself as the active partner in matters of love and his own pleasure as legitimately the prime motive for activity (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
Imagination is a poor substitute for experience (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
Where there is most labour there is not always most life (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
The sun, the moon and the stars would have disappeared long ago... Had they happened to be within the reach of predatory human hands (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
A religion can no more afford to degrade it's Devil than to degrade it's God (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
'Homosexual' is a barbarously hybrid word, and I claim no responsibility for it (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
When love is suppressed hate takes it's place (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
What we call morals is simply blind obedience to words of command (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
The great writer finds style as the mystic finds God, in his own soul (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
The greatest task before civilization at present is to make machines what they ought to be, the slaves, instead of the masters of men (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
Still, whether we like it or not, the task of speeding up the decrease of the human population becomes increasingly urgent (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
Socialism also brings us up against the hard rock of eugenic fact which, if we neglect it, will dash our most beautiful social construction to fragments (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
Sex lies at the root of life, and we can never learn to reverence life until we know how to understand sex (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
One can know nothing of giving aught that is worthy to give unless one also knows how to take (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
Of woman as a real human being, with sexual needs and sexual responsibilities, morality has often known nothing (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
It is only the great men who are truly obscene. If they had not dared to be obscene, they could never have dared to be great (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
It is becoming clear that the old platitudes can no longer be maintained, and that if we wish to improve our morals we must first improve our knowledge (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
It has always been difficult for man to realize that his life is all an art. It has been more difficult to conceive it so than to act it so. For that is always how he has more or less acted it (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
In philosophy, it is not the attainment of the goal that matters, it is the things that are met with by the way (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
Failing to find in women exactly the same kind of sexual emotions, as they find in themselves, men have concluded that there are none there at all (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
Every man of genius sees the world at a different angle from his fellows, and there is his tragedy (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
At the present day the crude theory of the sexual impulse held on one side, and the ignorant rejection of theory altogether on the other side, are beginning to be seen as both alike unjustified (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
The whole religious complexion of the modern world is due to the absence from Jerusalem of a lunatic asylum (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
'Charm' - which means the power to effect work without employing brute force - is indispensable to women. Charm is a woman's strength just as strength is a man's charm (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
We have failed to grasp the fact that mankind is becoming a single unit, and that for a unit to fight against itself is suicide (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
The place where optimism most flourishes is the lunatic asylum (Havelock Ellis Quotes)
What we call progress is the exchange of one nuisance for another nuisance (Havelock Ellis Quotes)