Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes

Text Quotes
If there is anything that gives kingliness to the soul, it is patience. What was the secret of the masters who have accomplished great things, who have inspired many and who have helped many souls? Their secret was patience (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
Those who have a desire to teach while coming to learn should not pose as disciples; they must come as teachers (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
Therefore it is the law of the mystics to see all things, to experience all things, either of heaven or earth, and yet to say little; for the souls incapable of understanding the possibility of their reach will ridicule them (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
When I open my eyes to the outer world I feel myself as a drop in the sea. But when I close my eyes and look within, I see the whole universe as a bubble raised in the ocean of my heart (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
The secret of life is balance, and the absence of balance is life’s destruction (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
I first believed without any hesitation in the existence of the soul, and then I wondered about the secret of its nature. I persevered and strove in search of the soul, and found at last that I myself was the cover over my soul! (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
A person however learned and qualified in his life’s work in whom gratitude is absent, is devoid of that beauty of character which makes personality fragrant (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
The existence of illness in the body may no doubt be called a shadow of the true illness which is held by man in his mind (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
The solution to the problem of the day is the awakening of the consciousness of humanity to the divinity within (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
For the value of everything exists for man only so long as he does not understand it. When he has fully understood, the value is lost, be it the lowest thing or the highest thing (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
The first lesson to learn is to resign oneself to the little difficulties in life, not to hit out at everything one comes up against. If one were able to manage this one would not need to cultivate great power; even one’s presence would be healing (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
There can be no rebirth without a dark night of the soul, a total annihilation of all that you believed in and thought that you were (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
Be contented with what you possess in life; be thankful for what does not belong to you, for it is so much care the less; but try to obtain what you need in life, and make the best of every moment of your life (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
The souls of all are from one and the same source but a soul which is unveiled shines out. Love and light come continually from such souls. We need no proof of it for it is living all else is dead in comparison (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
By our trust in the divine beauty in every person we develop that beauty in ourselves (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
Divine sound is the cause of all manifestation. The knower of the mystery of sound knows the mystery of the whole universe (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
If people but knew their own religion, how tolerant they would become, and how free from any grudge against the religion of others (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
Repose is the secret of all contemplation and meditation, the secret of getting in tune with that aspect of life which is the essence of all things. When one is not accustomed to take repose, one does not know what is behind one’s being (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
Every man’s path is for himself; let him accomplish his own desires that he may thus be able to rise above them to the eternal goal (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
Now if I do anything it is to tune souls instead of instruments. To harmonize people instead of notes. If there is anything in my philosophy, it is the law of harmony: that one must put oneself in harmony with oneself and with others (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
The world is evolving from imperfection to perfection. It needs all love and sympathy; great tenderness and watchfulness are required from each one of us (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
What makes us feel drawn to music is that our whole being is music: our mind and body, the nature in which we live, the nature which has made us, all that is beneath and around us, it is all music (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
Sound is the force of creation, the true whole. Music then, becomes the voice of the great cosmic oneness and therefore the optimal way to reach this final state of healing (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
Joy and sorrow are the light and shade of life; without light and shade no picture is clear (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
When one looks at the ocean, they can only see that part of it which comes within their range of vision; so it is with the truth (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
My intuition never fails me, it is I who fail when I do not listen to it (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
Mankind is interdependent, and the happiness of each depends upon the happiness of all, and it is this lesson that humanity has to learn today as the first and the last lesson (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
Love manifests towards those whom we like as love; towards those whom we do not like as forgiveness (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
The wise man should keep the balance between love and power; he should keep the love in his nature ever increasing and expanding, and at the same time strengthen the will so that the heart may not easily be broken (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)
True power is not in trying to gain power; true power is in becoming power. But how to become power? It requires an attempt to make a definite change in oneself, and that change is a kind of struggle with one’s false self (Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes)