He has oratory who ravishes his hearers while he forgets himself

He has oratory who ravishes his hearers while he forgets himself
Johann Kaspar Lavater was a Swiss poet, philosopher, and theologian known for his exceptional oratory skills. He had the ability to captivate his audience with his words, leaving them spellbound and deeply moved. Lavater believed that true oratory was not just about delivering a speech, but about connecting with the audience on a deeper level and evoking powerful emotions within them.The quote "He has oratory who ravishes his hearers while he forgets himself" perfectly encapsulates Lavater's approach to public speaking. He understood that the key to being a successful orator was to focus on the message and the audience, rather than on oneself. By immersing himself in the topic at hand and truly caring about the impact his words would have on his listeners, Lavater was able to deliver speeches that were both powerful and persuasive.
Lavater's oratory skills were evident in his sermons, lectures, and writings. He had a gift for using language in a way that resonated with his audience, stirring their emotions and inspiring them to action. His speeches were not just a series of words strung together, but a carefully crafted narrative that drew people in and held their attention until the very end.
One of Lavater's most famous works, "Physiognomy," is a testament to his ability to captivate his audience through his words. In this book, Lavater explores the idea that a person's character can be discerned through their facial features. Through his eloquent prose and compelling arguments, he was able to convince his readers of the validity of his theories, sparking a renewed interest in the study of physiognomy.