He Has Quotes

Text Quotes
In truth, he who is not content with what he has would not be content with whatever he acquires (He Has Quotes)
The true preacher does not seek for truth in the pulpit; he is there because he has found it (He Has Quotes)
A person who has great wealth will still be unhappy if he hasn’t also mastered gratitude! (He Has Quotes)
The individual succumbs, but he does not die if he has left something to mankind (He Has Quotes)
Above all, an artist must never be too easily satisfied with what he has done (He Has Quotes)
Contemporary man has rationalized the myths, but he has not been able to destroy them (He Has Quotes)
Man is wise only while in search of wisdom; when he imagines he has attained it, he is a fool (He Has Quotes)
For the enemy to be recognized and feared, he has to be in your home or on your doorstep (He Has Quotes)
I don’t see how a man is to be good for much unless he has some one woman to love him dearly (He Has Quotes)
A demagogue must be neither an educated nor an honest man; he has to be an ignoramus and a rogue (He Has Quotes)
A man will be generally very old and feeble before he forgets how much money he has in the funds (He Has Quotes)
What is life if a man cannot count on his friends when he has gone mad? (He Has Quotes)
No scientist ever believes that he has the final answer or the ultimate truth on anything (He Has Quotes)
The wise man contents himself with what he has, until such time as he invents something better (He Has Quotes)
No man is uninteresting when his hat is blown off and he has to scuttle after it down the street (He Has Quotes)
If a man hasn’t found anything worth dying for, he hasn’t anything worth living for (He Has Quotes)
Fortune is not only blind herself, but blinds the people she has embraced (He Has Quotes)
God very seldom succeeds. He has very nearly everything against him, of course (He Has Quotes)
The average man is rich enough when he has a little more than he has got (He Has Quotes)
When a man dies, he does not just die of the disease he has: he dies of his whole life (He Has Quotes)
A man can make up his mind quickly when he has only a little to make up (He Has Quotes)
A pessimist says all women are loose. An optimist does not, but he has hopes (He Has Quotes)
The clear, unmistakable sign of a bureaucrat is somebody who worries about whether he has a window (He Has Quotes)
M. Zola is determined to show that, if he has not got genius, he can at least be dull (He Has Quotes)
Comedians are the one who have to tell the emperor he has no clothes on (He Has Quotes)
My program is to leave the fools to nature. She has diseases with which to deal with them (He Has Quotes)
Real happiness is when you marry a girl for love and find out later she has money (He Has Quotes)
Who is going to cast out an error to which he has given birth and replace it with an adopted truth? (He Has Quotes)
Man will return to his origins. Goethe has finally become as squiggly as the city of his fathers (He Has Quotes)
When a man holds you round the throat, I don’t think he has come to apologise (He Has Quotes)