He Has Quotes

Text Quotes
Whether we and our politicians know it or not, Nature is party to all our deals and decisions, and she has more votes, a longer memory, and a sterner sense of justice than we do (He Has Quotes)
A man doesn't amount to something because he has been successful at a third-rate career like journalism. It is evidence, that's all: evidence that if he buckled down and worked hard, he might some day do something really worth doing (He Has Quotes)
I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed (He Has Quotes)
It seems to be a law of nature that no man, unless he has some obvious physical deformity, ever is loth to sit for his portrait (He Has Quotes)
She has been condemned to death by hanging. A man may escape this death by becoming the hangman, a woman by marrying the hangman. But at the present time there is no hangman; thus there is no escape. There is only a death, indefinitely postponed. This is not fantasy, it is history (He Has Quotes)
For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. (He Has Quotes)
If someone tells you he is going to make a "realistic decision," you immediately understand that he has resolved to do something bad (He Has Quotes)
History keeps her secrets longer than most of us. But she has one secret that I will reveal to you tonight in the greatest confidence. Sometimes there are no winners at all. And sometimes nobody needs to lose (He Has Quotes)
The term clinical depression finds its way into too many conversations these days. One has a sense that a catastrophe has occurred in the psychic landscape (He Has Quotes)
A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad (He Has Quotes)
Our nation was created in ways that allow human potential to prosper, and it created the greatest nation for people in the history of humanity. Now Obama is dismantling it, because he has no appreciation for our greatness. In fact, he resents it. He blames this country for whatever evils he sees around the world (He Has Quotes)
A man is relieved and gay when he has put his heart into his work and done his best; but what he has said or done otherwise shall give him no peace (He Has Quotes)
He who travels in search of something which he has not got, travels away from himself and grows old even in youth among old things (He Has Quotes)
It is a most mortifying reflection for a man to consider what he has done, compared to what he might have done (He Has Quotes)
Courage is reckoned the greatest of all virtues; because, unless a man has that virtue, he has no security for preserving any other (He Has Quotes)
A desire for knowledge is the natural feeling of mankind; and every human being, whose mind is not debauched, will be willing to give all he has to get knowledge (He Has Quotes)
I was reading Dorothy Dix this afternoon; she says that it is permissible for a young man to tell a girl he knows fairly well that she has pretty ankles; from this I assume that the better he knows her the higher he may praise her (He Has Quotes)
It has always been difficult for man to realize that his life is all an art. It has been more difficult to conceive it so than to act it so. For that is always how he has more or less acted it (He Has Quotes)
The modern writer is too often a theseus so enamored of the grotesque appearance and strange cavortings of the Minotaur that he has decided to make his permanent abode in the Labyrinth, and to accept the Minotaur's laws as his own (He Has Quotes)
When irony first makes itself known in a young man's life, it can be like his first experience of getting drunk; he has met with a powerful thing which he does not know how to handle (He Has Quotes)
Too much traffic with a quotation book begets a conviction of ignorance in a sensitive reader. Not only is there a mass of quotable stuff he never quotes, but an even vaster realm of which he has never heard (He Has Quotes)
He that would pass the latter part of life with honour and decency, must, when he is young, consider that he shall one day be old; and remember, when he is old, that he has once been young (He Has Quotes)
He has told us that He is the hungry one. He is the naked one. He is the thirsty one. He is the one without a home. He is the one who is suffering. These are our treasures, she said, looking at the rows of pallets in the caravanserai. They are Jesus (He Has Quotes)
Jesus wants me to tell you again... how much is the love He has for each one of you-beyond all what you can imagine... Not only He loves you, even more - He longs for you. He misses you when you don't come close. He thirsts for you. He loves you always, even when you don't feel worthy (He Has Quotes)
I am a little pencil in God's hands. He does the thinking. He does the writing. He does everything and sometimes it is really hard because it is a broken pencil and He has to sharpen it a little more (He Has Quotes)
The Church has surrendered her once lofty concept of God and has substituted for it one so low, so ignoble, as to be utterly unworthy of thinking, worshiping men. This she has not done deliberately, but little by little and without her knowledge; and her very unawareness only makes her situation all the more tragic (He Has Quotes)
So we see that God has made provision for our holiness. Through Christ He has delivered us from sin's reign so that we now can resist sin. But the responsibility for resisting is ours. God does not do that for us. To confuse the potential for resisting (which God provided) with the responsibility for resisting (which is ours) is to court disaster in our pursuit of holiness (He Has Quotes)
Bankruptcy is a sacred state, a condition beyond conditions, as theologians might say, and attempts to investigate it are necessarily obscene, like spiritualism. One knows only that he has passed into it and lives beyond us, in a condition not ours (He Has Quotes)
As if pity is, as he has been taught, not a helpless outcry but a powerful tide that could redeem the world (He Has Quotes)
God in His love always wills what is best for us. In His wisdom He always knows what is best, and in His sovereignty He has the power to bring it about (He Has Quotes)