He Has Quotes

Text Quotes
When whatever causes person to despair occurs, it is immediately evident that he has been in despair his whole life (He Has Quotes)
It is always that way: between the moment he meets her again and the moment he recognizes her for the woman he loves, he has some distance to go (He Has Quotes)
There is never a rational reason for a man to rejoice that a certain pretty girl exists and that he has found her. The experience, however, is universal (He Has Quotes)
A man’s success in business today turns upon his power of getting people to believe he has something that they want (He Has Quotes)
Only the poet has any right to be sorry for the poor, if he has anything to spare when he has thought of the dull, commonplace rich (He Has Quotes)
If a man had as many ideas during the day as he does when he has insomnia, he’d make a fortune (He Has Quotes)
Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons (He Has Quotes)
I believe a little incompatibility is the spice of life, particularly if he has income and she is pattable (He Has Quotes)
No child is capable of speech until he has heard other human beings speak, and even two infants reared together cannot develop a language from scratch (He Has Quotes)
He that has gone so far as to cut the claws of the lion, will not feel himself quite secure until he has also drawn his teeth (He Has Quotes)
State a moral case to a ploughman and a professor. The former will decide it as well, and often better than the latter, because he has not been led astray by artificial rules (He Has Quotes)
A decision is the action an executive must take when he has information so incomplete that the answer does not suggest itself (He Has Quotes)
There exists scarcely any man so accomplished, or so necessary to his own family, but he has some failing which will diminish their regret at his loss (He Has Quotes)
He was like a man who stands upon a hill above the town he has left, yet does not say the town is near, but turns his eyes upon the distant soaring ranges (He Has Quotes)
Debauchee, n. One who has so earnestly pursued pleasure that he has had the misfortune to overtake it (He Has Quotes)
A desire of knowledge is the natural feeling of mankind; and every human being, whose mind is not debauched, will be willing to give all that he has to get knowledge (He Has Quotes)
Each of us has a day, more or less sad, more or less distant, when he has to accept, finally, the fact that he is a man (He Has Quotes)
Often a man who is very old in years has nothing beyond his age by which he can prove that he has lived a long time (He Has Quotes)
He who loves not his home and country which he has seen, how shall he love humanity in general which he has not seen? (He Has Quotes)
What if one does say the same things, of course in a little different form each time, over and over? If he has anything to say worth saying, that is just what he ought to do (He Has Quotes)
There exists an obvious fact that seems utterly moral: namely, that a man is always a prey to his truths. Once he has admitted them, he cannot free himself from them. One has to pay something (He Has Quotes)
Jupiter has loaded us with a couple of wallets: The one, filled with our own vices, he has placed at our backs; the other, heavy with those of others, he has hung before (He Has Quotes)
A writer doesn’t write for his readers, does he? Yet he has to take elementary precautions all the same, to make them comfortable (He Has Quotes)
He has only half learned the art of reading who has not added to it the even more refined accomplishments of skipping and skimming (He Has Quotes)
When a man says that he approves something in principal, it means he hasn’t the slightest intention of putting it in practice (He Has Quotes)
Sadly, man recognises that the ideal, submissive woman he has created for himself is somehow not quite what he wanted (He Has Quotes)
Speaking honestly is a fundamental principle of today’s black artist. He has given up the futile practice of speaking to whites, and has begun to speak to his brothers (He Has Quotes)
Personality in man is what is not his own... What come from outside, what he has learned, or reflects, all traces of exterior impressions left in the memory (He Has Quotes)
He who draws noble delights from the sentiments of poetry is a true poet, though he has never written a line in all his life (He Has Quotes)
Be for ever a student. He and he alone is an old man who feels that he has learnt enough and has need for no more knowledge (He Has Quotes)