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He Man Quotes

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To the eyes of the man of imagination, nature is imagination itself  (He Man Quotes) I respect the man who knows distinctly what he wants  (He Man Quotes) I am always for the man who wishes to work  (He Man Quotes) Whatever the mind sets itself on is what the man walks after  (He Man Quotes) Style is less the man than the way a man takes himself  (He Man Quotes) Honor lies in the mane of a horse  (He Man Quotes) The man who flies an airplane... must believe in the unseen  (He Man Quotes) Deliberation is a function of the many; action is the function of one  (He Man Quotes) I just felt the power and the meanness of the man I was messing with  (He Man Quotes) Talk to the man with the reasons why  (He Man Quotes) Beware of the man who has no enemies  (He Man Quotes) The many become one and are increased by one  (He Man Quotes) The man who prays ceases to be a fool  (He Man Quotes) Heaven never helps the man who will not help himself  (He Man Quotes) As the government is, such will be the man  (He Man Quotes) The man is either crazy or he is a poet  (He Man Quotes) The man who finds a truth lights a torch  (He Man Quotes) Blessed is the man who has found someone to do his work  (He Man Quotes) The man who lives by hope, will die by hunger  (He Man Quotes) The man of faith who has never experienced doubt is not a man of faith  (He Man Quotes) The man who has a house everywhere has a home nowhere  (He Man Quotes) To the man with only a hammer, every problem looks like a nail  (He Man Quotes) The many fail: the one succeeds  (He Man Quotes) The childhood of today is the manhood of tomorrow  (He Man Quotes) The man creates a pseudonym and hides behind it like a worm  (He Man Quotes) The happiest is the man who is not at all selfish  (He Man Quotes) Poor is the man who desires a lot  (He Man Quotes) The man who is content to live alone is either a beast or a god  (He Man Quotes) The man molds the idol and then the idol molds the man  (He Man Quotes) The only man never to be redeemed is the man without passion  (He Man Quotes)
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