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He Man Quotes

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For all that you are and all that you do, and for the many ways you make my heart sing  (He Man Quotes) The man is a common murderer. A common murderer, possible, but a very uncommon cook  (He Man Quotes) The man who asks a woman what she wants deserves all that’s coming to him  (He Man Quotes) The man who says what he thinks is finished, and the man who thinks what he says is an idiot  (He Man Quotes) Does a name stick because it suits a man or does the man, unconsciously, evolve into his name?  (He Man Quotes) Fathering is not something perfect men do, but something that perfects the man  (He Man Quotes) Surfers are members of a different race of people from the man in the street  (He Man Quotes) My first move as the manager of the machine shop was to introduce standardized work  (He Man Quotes) I have used all the manure that has been thrown on me as fertilizer to make me stronger  (He Man Quotes) It’s the climbing that makes the man. Getting to the top is an extra reward  (He Man Quotes) Happy is the man who has acquired the love of walking for its own sake!  (He Man Quotes) They made small effort to cover their raw souls with the mantle of commonplace words  (He Man Quotes) Life is the greatest art of all, and the master artist is the man who is living the beautiful life  (He Man Quotes) The man who lives by himself and for himself is likely to be corrupted by the company he keeps  (He Man Quotes) You’re only half the man that I am, and I have half the brain that you do  (He Man Quotes) When you adopt a tool you adopt the management philosophy embedded in that tool  (He Man Quotes) The man, the writer, the instrument of the creation will die, but his creation does not die  (He Man Quotes) Being your own boss is much superior to working for the man. Including working for your father  (He Man Quotes) The man committing suicide controls the moment of his death by executing a back flip  (He Man Quotes) It does not matter the size of the man, rather the amount of effort the man is willing to put forth  (He Man Quotes) The mania is like wasps under the skin, like my head’s going to explode with ideas  (He Man Quotes) The man who masters his own soul will forever be called conqueror of conquerors  (He Man Quotes) Let not the author eat up the man, so that he shall be all balcony and no house  (He Man Quotes) Whatever a man wants badly and persistently enough will determine the man’s character  (He Man Quotes) The man that dares traduce, because he can with safety to himself, is not a man  (He Man Quotes) My enemy is not the man who wrongs me, but the man who means to wrong me  (He Man Quotes) Art is manipulation, the management of material, the directing of fate... Who does that directing?  (He Man Quotes) The public spirit is in the hands of the man who knows how to make use of it  (He Man Quotes) After making a mistake or suffering a misfortune, the man of genius always gets back on his feet  (He Man Quotes) Doubly happy, however, is the man to whom lofty mountain tops are within reach  (He Man Quotes)
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