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He Man Quotes

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The heroic man does not pose; he leaves that for the man who wishes to be thought heroic  (He Man Quotes) You cannot know a man’s life before the man has died, then only can you call it good or bad  (He Man Quotes) In solitude the lonely man is eaten up by himself, among crowds by the many  (He Man Quotes) As a rule, the man who can do all things equally well is a very mediocre individual  (He Man Quotes) Where all of the man is what property he owns, it does not take long to annihilate him  (He Man Quotes) The man who confers a favour would rather not be repaid in the same coin  (He Man Quotes) How terrible is wisdom, when it brings no profit to the man that’s wise  (He Man Quotes) I have seen gleams in the face and eyes of the man that have let you look into a higher country  (He Man Quotes) The machine unmakes the man. Now that the machine is so perfect, the engineer is nobody  (He Man Quotes) The one person who has more illusions than the dreamer is the man of action  (He Man Quotes) The man who sees both sides of a question is a man who sees absolutely nothing at all  (He Man Quotes) The mansion should not be graced by its master, the master should grace the mansion  (He Man Quotes) The man who says his wife can’t take a joke, forgets that she took him  (He Man Quotes) The man who says he has exhausted life generally means that life has exhausted him  (He Man Quotes) Let the man, who would be grateful, think of repaying a kindness, even while receiving it  (He Man Quotes) The man who acts never has any conscience; no one has any conscience but the man who thinks  (He Man Quotes) Old age takes from the man of intellect no qualities save those that are useless to wisdom  (He Man Quotes) The man who is always fortunate cannot easily have a great reverence for virtue  (He Man Quotes) It is the mind that makes the man, and our vigour is in our immortal soul  (He Man Quotes) Happy the man who early learns the wide chasm that lies between his wishes and his powers  (He Man Quotes) Happy is the man to whom nature has given a sufficiency with even a sparing hand  (He Man Quotes) The man who leaves a woman best pleased with herself is the one whom she will soonest wish to see  (He Man Quotes) Let the gulled fool the toil of war pursue, where bleed the many to enrich the few  (He Man Quotes) Rare is the man who suffers no remorse as he passes from the state of confidant to that of rival  (He Man Quotes) The manner of giving shows the character of the giver, more than the gift itself  (He Man Quotes) Instead of rating the man by his performances, we rate too frequently the performances by the man  (He Man Quotes) As if the ray which travels from the sun would reach me sooner than the man who blacks my boots  (He Man Quotes) Blessed is the man who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed was the ninth beatitude  (He Man Quotes) In loneliness, the lonely one eats himself; in a crowd, the many eat him. Now choose  (He Man Quotes) I will hate the man you choose because he isn’t me, and love him if he makes you smile  (He Man Quotes)
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