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He Man Quotes

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The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself  (He Man Quotes) The highest form of selfishness is that of the man who is content to go to heaven alone  (He Man Quotes) It is generally the man who is not ready to argue, who is ready to sneer  (He Man Quotes) Wise is the man who says what needs to be said, but not all that could be said  (He Man Quotes) The man who most vividly realizes a difficulty is the man most likely to overcome it  (He Man Quotes) The man who is in real danger is the man who thinks he is perfectly safe  (He Man Quotes) A tin horn politician with the manner of a rural corn doctor and the mien of a ham actor  (He Man Quotes) A man takes a drink, the drink takes another, and the drink takes the man  (He Man Quotes) But men labor under a mistake. The better part of the man is soon plowed into the soil for compost  (He Man Quotes) Remember, work, well done, does good to the man who does it. It makes him a better man  (He Man Quotes) Stay out of the gutter in your conversation. Foul talk defiles the man who speaks it  (He Man Quotes) To a woman nothing seems quite impossible to the powers of the man she worships  (He Man Quotes) The man born and bred a slave, even if freed, never loses wholly the feeling or manner of a slave  (He Man Quotes) The human mind can appreciate the one only by seeing it first in the many  (He Man Quotes) One of the many things I like about baseball is how it combines individual talent and teamsmanship  (He Man Quotes) The genius of impeachment lay in the fact that it could punish the man without punishing the office  (He Man Quotes) We ought to thank God for that. Yes, the man who tills the land is more worthy of respect than any  (He Man Quotes) This is courtship all the world over - the man all tongue; the woman all ears  (He Man Quotes) Self-will in the man who does not reckon wisely is by itself the weakest of all things  (He Man Quotes) I am not struck so much by the diversity of testimony as by the many-sidedness of truth  (He Man Quotes) The manager has a short-range view; the leader has a long-range perspective  (He Man Quotes) The man who won’t loan money isn’t going to have many friends - or need them  (He Man Quotes) The agenda should be crafted by the employee who reports to the manager not the manager  (He Man Quotes) God rewards according to the mannerin which He is conceived or approached  (He Man Quotes) It is not poverty that we praise, it is the man whom poverty cannot humble or bend  (He Man Quotes) First is the man ...and then the music. If the man is not intact, the music will not happen  (He Man Quotes) The man who while he gives thinks of what he will get in return, deserves to be deceived  (He Man Quotes) I don’t understand, Why do I stress the man, When there’s so many bigger things at hand  (He Man Quotes) There was a thoughtful frown on the face of the man who was the possessor of twenty million dollars  (He Man Quotes) The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies but also to hate his friends  (He Man Quotes)
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