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He Man Quotes

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Our pursuit of God is successful just because He is forever seeking to manifest Himself to us. The revelation of God to any man is not God coming from a distance upon a time to pay a brief and momentous visit to the man's soul. Thus to think of it is to misunderstand it all. The approach of God to the soul or of the soul to God is not to be thought of in spatial terms at all. There is no idea of physical distance involved in the concept. It is not a matter of miles but of experience  (He Man Quotes) The gospel can lift this destroying burden from the mind, give beauty for ashes, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. But unless the weight of the burden is felt the gospel can mean nothing to the man; and until he sees a vision of God high and lifted up, there will be no woe and no burden. Low views of God destroy the gospel for all who hold them  (He Man Quotes) We will never fully solve our nation's horrific problem of gun violence unless we ban the manufacture and sale of handguns and semi-automatic assault weapons  (He Man Quotes) It all came down to judging - if you were a good judge of the man in front of you, you might survive; if not, then you were the honored dead  (He Man Quotes) Emotions are but one category of the many different mental formations we can have. They come, they stay for a while, and then they go. Why should we have to die for an emotion?  (He Man Quotes) It's striking that Native Americans evolved no devastating epidemic diseases to give to Europeans, in return for the many devastating epidemic diseases that Indians received from the Old World  (He Man Quotes) But soon a wonder came to light That show'd the rogues they lied: The man recovered of the bite, the dog it was that died  (He Man Quotes) Thought means life, since those who do not think so do not live in any high or real sense. Thinking makes the man  (He Man Quotes) I'm an insomniac lately. It's one of the many prizes you find in the Cracker Jack box of a crumbling relationship,  (He Man Quotes) Tenderness, without a capacity of relieving, only makes the man who feels it more wretched than the object which sues for assistance  (He Man Quotes) Nothing apparently, disturbed the mans air of having his mind on something more important than you. You wanted to slap him  (He Man Quotes) One of the evils of democracy is, you have to put up with the man you elect whether you want him or not  (He Man Quotes) The greatest loss of time is delay and expectation. I never yet talked to the man who wanted to save time who could tell me what he was going to do with the time he saved  (He Man Quotes) Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many, who have the majesty of the state to defend them  (He Man Quotes) But one of the many problems with being an alcoholic is that when people tell you how bad you are when you're drunk, you're usually drunk. So you just keep getting drunk  (He Man Quotes) I had kissed her at odd times, in out of the way corners, in the manner of a mountain guide, nothing more  (He Man Quotes) Every man has his excuses, and the more vile the man becomes, the more touching the story has to be. What is my story now, I wonder?  (He Man Quotes) The mob gets out of hand, runs wild, worse than raging fire, while the man who stands apart is called a coward  (He Man Quotes) The man who would prefer great wealth or strength more than love, more than friends, is diseased of soul  (He Man Quotes) The man is happiest who lives from day to day and asks no more, garnering the simple goodness of life  (He Man Quotes) She started telling Lyda stories, odd nameless placeless stories, about the man and the woman, myths or memories, perhaps from her own childhood  (He Man Quotes) The manager is a servant. His master is the institution he manages and his first responsibility must therefore be to it  (He Man Quotes) A manager's task is to make the strengths of people effective and their weakness irrelevant - and that applies fully as much to the manager's boss as it applies to the manager's subordinates  (He Man Quotes) The focusing of attention on the breath is perhaps the most universal of the many hundreds of meditation subjects used worldwide  (He Man Quotes) ... why some men choose to fill their brief allotment of time engaging the impossible, others in the manufacture of sorrow  (He Man Quotes) The lifting up of the woman does not require the tearing down of the man. In fact, a strong woman appreciates a strong man. Conversely, a strong man is not intimidated by a strong woman  (He Man Quotes) But I will have it. I will love - it is my birthright. I will love the man I marry - that is all I care about  (He Man Quotes) Women have many faults, but of the many this is the greatest, that they please themselves too much, and give too little attention to pleasing the men  (He Man Quotes) I would not enter on my list of friends (Though graced with polish'd manner and fine sense, yet wanting sensibility) the man Who needlessly sets foot upon a worm  (He Man Quotes) I venerate the man whose heart is warm, whose hands are pure, whose doctrine and whose life, coincident, exhibit lucid proof that he is honest in the sacred cause  (He Man Quotes)
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