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He Man Quotes

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For my part, I do not feel that the scheme of future happiness, which ought by rights to be in preparation for me, will be at all interfered with by my not meeting again the man I have in my. mind  (He Man Quotes) For the man sound of body and serene of mind there is no such thing as bad weather; every day has its beauty, and storms which whip the blood do but make it pulse more vigorously  (He Man Quotes) Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife  (He Man Quotes) I can hardly express in words my deep feeling and sympathy for them, knowing as I do, the many serious handicaps and obstacles that will confront them in almost every walk of life  (He Man Quotes) I joke around a lot about the manic times because they’re funny. We manics do outrageous things and it is part of our colorful nature  (He Man Quotes) I love hard political debate and I love beating somebody on a political point but what I’m more frustrated by is the politics where you play the man not the politics  (He Man Quotes) If one can stick to the training throughout the many long years, then will power is no longer a problem. It’s raining? That doesn’t matter. I am tired? That’s besides the point. It’s simply that I just have to  (He Man Quotes) Nature never hurries: atom by atom, little by little, she achieves her work. The lesson one learns from yachting or planting is the manners of nature; patience with the delays of wind and sun, delays of the seasons, bad weather, excess or lack of water  (He Man Quotes) It is the paradox of life that the way to miss pleasure is to seek it first. The very first condition of lasting happiness is that a life should be full of purpose, aiming at something outside self. As a matter of experience, we find that true happiness comes in seeking other things, in the manifold activities of life, in the healthful outgoing of all human powers  (He Man Quotes) It’s critical that the manager has the respect of players so he can make the moves that he feels is appropriate without having somebody go to the papers. They respect you. So you respect them back  (He Man Quotes) Let’s remember the children who come from broken homes, surrounded by crime, drugs, temptation, their peers having babies out of wedlock, but who still manage to get a good education despite the many obstacles they face every day  (He Man Quotes) Many women my age have known the experience of giving up crucial parts of themselves to please the man they love  (He Man Quotes) One day it just hit me. This is it. You are not in love. So either stay in it because you have a child or be brave and find the man of your dreams and marry him for real  (He Man Quotes) One of the many things nobody ever tells you about middle age is that it’s such a nice change from being young  (He Man Quotes) Solitude is strength; to depend on the presence of the crowd is weakness. The man who needs a mob to nerve him is much more alone than he imagines  (He Man Quotes) The activist is not the man who says the river is dirty. The activist is the man who cleans up the river  (He Man Quotes) The man in our society is the breadwinner; the woman has enough to do as the homemaker, wife and mother  (He Man Quotes) The manic pursuit of success cost me everything I could love: my wife, my three children, some friends I would have liked to grow old with  (He Man Quotes) The purpose of human life and the sense of happiness is to give the maximum what the man is able to give  (He Man Quotes) Through no divine design or cosmic plan, we have inherited the mantle of life’s caretaker on the earth, the only home we have ever known  (He Man Quotes) Virginity is such a personal thing. You can’t judge anyone on it. A lot of young women feel they want to save themselves for the man who they think they’ll love forever  (He Man Quotes) When I dance, I love the romance and sexiness of it, and love having it be clear to both dancers that the man leads! But the man has to know what he’s doing!  (He Man Quotes) I, in fact, have been involved in the construction of and the management of wastewater treatment plants  (He Man Quotes) I am an animator. I feel like I’m the manager of a animation cinema factory. I am not an executive. I’m rather like a foreman, like the boss of a team of craftsmen. That is the spirit of how I work  (He Man Quotes) I still think that I’m playing instruments, not just pushing buttons and there it goes. It’s interactive and alive with the sound and the manipulation and it plays like instruments  (He Man Quotes) During the many centuries that magic, here on this planet, was presumed to have worked, there were at least as many theories as to how magic worked as there were cultures and religions  (He Man Quotes) Whatever be the qualities of the man with whom a woman is united according to the law, such qualities even she assumes, like a river, united with the ocean  (He Man Quotes) It has pleased no less than surprised me that of the many studies whereby I have sought to extend the field of general chemistry, the highest scientific distinction that there is today has been awarded for those on catalysis  (He Man Quotes) It is impossible not to envy the man who can dismiss reason, although we know how it must turn out at last  (He Man Quotes) Well, I can do certain jobs because smells don’t bother me. But that means I’m usually the one at the ranch cleaning up all the manure  (He Man Quotes)
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