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He Man Quotes

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The full moon rises. The fog clings to the lowest branches of the spruce trees. The man steps out of the darkest corner of the forest and finds himself transformed into... A monkey? I think not  (He Man Quotes) My wife’s dying upstairs and I can’t do anything about it. I look in her face and I see the memories there. I see how I hurt her and how I said the wrong things and how I got angry and how I wasn’t the man she hoped I’d be. I see that in her face and I see she’s going to die with that. You think I’m not preoccupied?  (He Man Quotes) For the future, I shall rely only upon those elements of my character which I have tested. Who would ever have said that I should find pleasure in shedding tears? That I should love the man who proves to me that I am nothing more than a fool?  (He Man Quotes) The man assumes the role of the loner, the thinker and the searching spirit who calls the privileged and the powerful to task. The power of one was the courage to remain separate, th think through the truth and not be beguiled by convention or the plausible arguments of those who expect to maintain power, whatever the cost  (He Man Quotes) We speak now or I do, and others do. You’ve never spoken before. You will. You’ll be able to say how the city is a pit and a hill and a standard and an animal that hunts and a vessel on the sea and the sea and how we are fish in it, not like the man who swims weekly with fish but the fish with which he swims, the water, the pool. I love you, you light me, warm me, you are suns. You have never spoken before  (He Man Quotes) We do not read in order to turn great works of fiction into simplistic replicas of our own realities, we read for the pure, sensual, and unadulterated pleasure of reading. And if we do so, our reward is the discovery of the many hidden layers within these works that do not merely reflect reality but reveal a spectrum of truths, thus intrinsically going against the grain of totalitarian mindsets  (He Man Quotes) The man who thinks hateful thoughts brings hatred upon himself. The man who thinks loving thoughts is loved  (He Man Quotes) I slept peacefully that night, feeling exultant and determined. Little did I know that I was making the most common and the most painful mistake women have made all throughout the ages: to naively think that with their love they can change the man they love  (He Man Quotes) The man of knowledge in our time is bowed down under a burden he never imagined he would ever have: the overproduction of truth that cannot be consumed  (He Man Quotes) The poet…is the man of metaphor: while the philosopher is interested only in the truth of meaning, beyond even signs and names, and the sophist manipulates empty signs…the poet plays on the multiplicity of signifieds  (He Man Quotes) Think about it. He drinks poison. What kind of man drinks poison? She is the one who stabs herself with his dagger. The manly way  (He Man Quotes) Rarely is it possible to study all of the instructions to a game before beginning to play, or to memorize the manual before turning on the computer. The excitement of improvisation lies not only in the risk of being involved but in the new ideas, as heady as the adrenaline of performance, that seems to come from nowhere  (He Man Quotes) There comes a time when a man finds himself in front of a dark uncrossable abyss, which he himself has spent years digging. He cannot go forward, and has no way back. Words have failed, tears won’t help, and who would he call out to? He can’t even remember his own name. Then the man sees that on this god’s green earth there is but one true suffering: the torment of guilty conscience  (He Man Quotes) What’s any artist, but the dregs of his work? the human shambles that follows it around. What’s left of the man when the work’s done but a shambles of apology  (He Man Quotes) When a woman submits to a man, it’s the most precious gift she can give. Herself. Unreservedly. The man has to respect and honor that gift above all else. Even if he respects nothing else in the world, he must respect the woman in his care. It’s his sworn duty to protect, honor and cherish his submissive. To take care of her and provide a safe haven. Someone who would put his own needs above his woman’s is no man  (He Man Quotes) To whatever degree he may have desacralized the world, the man who has made his choice in favor of a profane life never succeeds in completely doing away with religious behavior  (He Man Quotes) Whereas the tourist generally hurries back home at the end of a few weeks or months, the traveler belonging no more to one place than to the next, moves slowly over periods of years, from one part of the earth to another. Indeed, he would have found it difficult to tell, among the many places he had lived, precisely where it was he had felt most at home  (He Man Quotes) The boy and the man must be raised to see the possibility of self worth, then meet a few others who provide the vision of a road toward it, then spend a lifetime pursing that worth through action and relationship. One of the great tragedies in human life is to be born a male and not be guided toward the value of a man  (He Man Quotes) If there was anything I’d learned, it’s that the man never chooses the woman. All he can do is give her an opportunity to choose him  (He Man Quotes) If I ever meet with the man who fulfills my ideal, I shall make it a condition of the marriage settlement, that I am to have chocolate under the pillow  (He Man Quotes) The nature of the criminal justice system has changed. It is no longer primarily concerned with the prevention and punishment of crime, but rather with the management and control of the dispossessed  (He Man Quotes) When the world is itself draped in the mantle of night, the mirror of the mind is like the sky in which thoughts twinkle like stars  (He Man Quotes) I know and share the many sorrows a human being can experience, but I do not cling to them; they pass through me, like life itself, as a broad eternal stream... and life continues  (He Man Quotes) It’s easy to fictionalize an issue when you’re not aware of the many ways in which you are privileged by it  (He Man Quotes) It is precisely those artists and writers who are most inclined to think of their art as the manifestation of their personality who are in fact the most in bondage to public taste  (He Man Quotes) Advertising is simply a use of the right of the manufacture to present his case and to employ the same arts of appeal and persuasion accorded to the politician, the preacher, the lawyer, and to every other individual who has a special interest in something, whether a creed or a commodity  (He Man Quotes) Tradition usually rests upon something which men did know; history is often the manufacture of the mere liar  (He Man Quotes) Hope is a pleasant acquaintance, but an unsafe friend, not the man for your banker, though he may do for a traveling companion  (He Man Quotes) According to the technical language of old writers, a thing and its qualities are described as subject and attributes; and thus a man’s faculties and acts are attributes of which he is the subject. The mind is the subject in which ideas inhere. Moreover, the man’s faculties and acts are employed upon external objects; and from objects all his sensations arise. Hence the part of a man’s knowledge which belongs to his own mind, is subjective: that which flows in upon him from the world external to him, is objective  (He Man Quotes) The only man who knows just what he thinks at the present moment is the man who hasn’t done any new thinking in the past ten years  (He Man Quotes)
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