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He Man Quotes

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So you can see that if you direct that force at several objectives, it becomes divided, and each objective receives a fairly weak stimulus, which results in a slow reaction, or no reaction at all. Do you have a great, ultimate goal to reach that requires attaining lesser objectives along the way? Well then, let the many lie inactive and direct your force at the nearest or first; once you accomplish that, take up the next and so on  (He Man Quotes) We are responsible for the quality of our vision, we have a say in the shaping of our sensibility. In the many thousand daily choices we make, we create ourselves and the voice with which we speak and work  (He Man Quotes) Life is the acceptance of responsibilities or their evasion; it is a business of meeting obligations or avoiding them. To every man the choice is continually being offered, and by the manner of his choosing you may fairly measure him  (He Man Quotes) Anyone who has examined into the history of the theories of earth evolution must have been astounded to observe the manner in which the unique and the difficultly explainable has been made to take the place of the common and the natural in deriving the framework of these theories  (He Man Quotes) We are not to suppose, that there is any violent exertion of power, such as is required in order to produce a great event in little time; in nature, we find no deficiency in respect of time, nor any limitation with regard to power. But time is not made to flow in vain; nor does there ever appear the exertion of superfluous power, or the manifestation of design, not calculated in wisdom to effect some general end  (He Man Quotes) The secret of science is to ask the right question, and it is the choice of problem more than anything else that marks the man of genius in the scientific world  (He Man Quotes) Players taught to watch the man with the ball leaves them totally unprepared for the next move, which is always dictated by a player without the ball  (He Man Quotes) One way can be learned by starting to see the magic in everything. Sometimes it seems to be hiding but it is always there. The more we can see the magic in one thing, a tiny flower, a mango, someone we love, then the more we are able to see the magic in everything and in everyone. Where does the mango stop and the sky begin?  (He Man Quotes) Nikah is a contract that transfers responsibilities. Therefore know the man you’re thinking of marrying, and be sure that he is able to take care of you, more than your dad did. Islam empowers women with honor and dignity. Don’t settle for anything less  (He Man Quotes) You don’t want to have to be the man and the woman in the relationship. I always say you want a man who can fix the toilet  (He Man Quotes) Honey, we all got to go sometime, reason or no reason. Dying’s as natural as living. The man who’s too afraid to die is too afraid to live  (He Man Quotes) I am tired of the superficial smiles that adorn the many ghouls among us. I am tired of the righteous indignation that hides beneath those visages that feign our best interest and deign to think we cannot and will not stand for ourselves  (He Man Quotes) Socialism is not spontaneous. It does not arise of itself. It has abiding principles according to which the major means of production and distribution ought to be socialised if exploitation of the many by the few is to be prevented; if, that is to say, egalitarianism in the economy is to be protected  (He Man Quotes) For spiritual companions I have had the many artists who have relied on nature to help shape their imagination. And their most elaborate equipment was a deep reverence for the world through which they passed. Photographers share something with these artists. We seek only to see and to describe with our own voices, and, though we are seldom heard as soloists, we cannot photograph the world in any other way  (He Man Quotes) You can see the ball go past them, or the man, but you’ll never see both man and ball go past at the same time. So if the ball goes past, the man won’t, or if the man goes past, they’ll take the ball  (He Man Quotes) Nature is so varied in its modes of action, so multiple in the manisftations of its power, that we have no night to set any limits to its capabilities  (He Man Quotes) The world cannot afford to lose the talents of half it’s people if we are to solve the many problems that beset us  (He Man Quotes) What is outside yourself does not convey much worth; Clothes do not make the man, the saddle not the horse  (He Man Quotes) While the fool is enjoying the little he has, I will hunt for more. The way to hunt for more is to utilize your odd moments... the man who is always killing time is really killing his own chances in life  (He Man Quotes) Of the many things we have done to democracy in the past, the worst has been the indignity of taking it for granted  (He Man Quotes) Agrofuel is a crime against humanity and I believe there should be a moratorium put in place until there is some way to eradicate the many problems it creates  (He Man Quotes) How do we not rue the many unchosen paths in life? A blessed lack of imagination. There are enough real glories along any path to swamp our meager ability to picture alternatives  (He Man Quotes) I will not tire of declaring that if we really want an effective end to violence we must remove the violence that lies at the root of all violence: structural violence, social injustice, exclusion of citizens from the management of the country, repression. All this is what constitutes the primal cause, from which the rest flows naturally  (He Man Quotes) One cannot legislate the maniacs off the street... these maniacs can only be shut down by an armed citizenry. Indeed bad things can happen in nations where the citizenry is armed, but not as bad as those which seem to be threatening our disarmed citizenry in this country at this time  (He Man Quotes) Punishments of unreasonable severity, especially where indiscriminately afflicted, have less effect in preventing crimes, and amending the manners of a people, than such as are more merciful in general, yet properly intermixed with due distinctions of severity  (He Man Quotes) Nature does not compromise; a pelican is not a compromise between a crow and otter, it is just a pelican. Nature makes no compromises; any inefficient products are recalled to the manufacturer!  (He Man Quotes) When will they make a tractor that can furnish the manure for farm fields and produce a baby tractor every spring?  (He Man Quotes) Penetrate deeply in the secret existence of anyone about you, even of the man or woman whom you count happiest, and you will come upon things they spend all their efforts to hide. Fair as the exterior may be, if you go in, you will find bare places, heaps of rubbish that can never be taken away, cold hearths, desolate altars, and windows veiled with cobwebs  (He Man Quotes) I am willing to allow that smoking is a moral weakness, but on the other hand, we must beware of the man without weaknesses. He is not to be trusted. He is apt to be always sober and he cannot make a single mistake. His habits are likely to be regular, his existence more mechanical and his head always maintains its supremacy over his heart. Much as I like reasonable persons, I hate completely rational beings  (He Man Quotes) The practical man is the adventurer, the investigator, the believer in research, the asker of questions, the man who refuses to believe that perfection has been attained... There is no thrill or joy in merely doing that which any one can do... It is always safe to assume, not that the old way is wrong, but that there may be a better way  (He Man Quotes)
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