He Man Quotes
Text Quotes
The illiterate of the future will not be the man who cannot read the alphabet, but the one who cannot take a photograph (He Man Quotes)
Tell me, when you give alms do you look into the eyes of the man or woman to whom you give alms?... And when you give alms, do you touch the hand of the one to whom you give alms, or do you toss the coin? (He Man Quotes)
The whole thing resolves itself into our mental ability to control our thought. The man who can do this can have what he wants, can do what he wishes and becomes what he wills (He Man Quotes)
The man who perceives life only with his eye, his ear, his hand, and his tongue, is but little higher than the ox or an intelligent dog; but he who has imagination sees things around and above him, as the angels see them (He Man Quotes)
The man who spends his time choosing one resort after another in a hunt for peace and quiet will in every place he visits find something to prevent him from relaxing (He Man Quotes)
The man, most man, works best for men: and, if most man indeed, he gets his manhood plainest from his soul (He Man Quotes)
Meditation is the movement of love. It isn’t the love of the one or of the many. It is like water that anyone can drink out of any jar (He Man Quotes)
Great is the man who can overcome the world, but greater still is the man who can overcome himself, for he will have the world spinning on the palm of his hand (He Man Quotes)
There is nothing attractive about the gospel to the natural man; the only man who finds the gospel attractive is the man who is convicted of sin (He Man Quotes)
History calls those men the greatest who have ennobled themselves by working for the common good; experience acclaims as happiest the man who has made the greatest number of people happy (He Man Quotes)
Feminine traits are called weaknesses. People joke about them; fools ridicule them; but reasonable persons see very well that those traits are just the tools for the management of men, and for the use of men for female designs (He Man Quotes)
The many speak highly of you, but have you really any grounds for satisfaction with yourself if you are the kind of person the many understand? (He Man Quotes)
For all men live by truth, and stand in need of expression. In love, in art, in avarice, in politics, in labor, in games, we study to utter our painful secret. The man is only half himself, the other half is his expression (He Man Quotes)
As to methods, there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods (He Man Quotes)
A man’s name is not like a mantle which merely hangs about him... but a perfectly fitting garment, which, like the skin, has grown over him, at which one cannot rake and scrape without injuring the man himself (He Man Quotes)
The persistent man with a poor plan stands a better chance of winning than the man with a perfect plan who hesitates and waivers in carrying it out (He Man Quotes)
Information is the manager’s main tool, indeed the manager’s capital, and it is he who must decide what information he needs and how to use it (He Man Quotes)
As compromised as their marriage might be, part of her still believed in her vows. She loved the man he’d been, and she loved the man she knew he could be (He Man Quotes)
If we want to find the manna hidden in our vocation, let us restrict and confine all our desires within it (He Man Quotes)
Because if the manifestations that happen in the present moment are beautiful and good, their continuation in the future will be also good and beautiful (He Man Quotes)
The man who lives without conflict, who lives with beauty and love, is not frightened of death because to love is to die (He Man Quotes)
The man who gets bit twice by the same dog is better adapted for that kind of business than any other (He Man Quotes)
He who is only an athlete is too crude, too vulgar, too much a savage. He who is a scholar only is too soft, to effeminate. The ideal citizen is the scholar athlete, the man of thought and the man of action (He Man Quotes)
Love isn’t about when you first meet. It’s about the many, many years you spend together, when you’re trying to keep that flame burning (He Man Quotes)
The greatest astonishment of my life was the discovery that the man who does the work is not the man who gets rich (He Man Quotes)
Space and time are real for the man who is yet imperfect, and space is divided for him into dimensions; time, into past, present, and future (He Man Quotes)
Believe me, the man who earns his bread by the sweat of his brow, eats oftener a sweeter morsel, however coarse, than he who procures it by the labor of his brains (He Man Quotes)
In the man whose childhood has known caresses and kindness, there is always a fiber of memory that can be touched to gentle issues (He Man Quotes)
It is infinitely safer to know that the man at the top has his doubts, as you and I have ours, yet has the courage to move ahead in spite of these doubts (He Man Quotes)
To use many words to communicate few thoughts is everywhere the unmistakable sign of mediocrity. To gather much thought into few words stamps the man of genius (He Man Quotes)