He shone with the greater splendor, because he was not seen

He shone with the greater splendor, because he was not seen
The phrase "He shone with the greater splendor, because he was not seen" holds a profound meaning in the context of Tacitus, a Roman historian known for his works on the history of the Roman Empire. Tacitus was a master of his craft, producing detailed and insightful accounts of the political and social events of his time. However, despite his brilliance as a historian, Tacitus himself remained largely unseen and unknown to his contemporaries.Tacitus' works, such as "The Annals" and "The Histories," are considered some of the most important sources of information on the Roman Empire. His writing style was characterized by its clarity, precision, and attention to detail, making his works invaluable to scholars and historians studying the ancient world. Despite the significance of his contributions, Tacitus himself preferred to remain in the background, allowing his words to speak for themselves.
In a way, Tacitus "shone with the greater splendor" precisely because he was not seen. By keeping a low profile and letting his works take center stage, Tacitus ensured that his legacy would endure long after his death. His writings continue to be studied and admired for their insight, depth, and eloquence, cementing his reputation as one of the greatest historians of the ancient world.
Furthermore, the phrase "He shone with the greater splendor, because he was not seen" can also be interpreted in a more metaphorical sense. Tacitus' ability to illuminate the past and shed light on the complexities of human nature through his writings allowed him to shine brightly in the realm of historical scholarship. Despite his personal modesty and reluctance to seek fame or recognition, Tacitus' work speaks for itself, radiating a brilliance that transcends time and place.