He was deferential, ingratiating, concerned for your pleasure, like a waiter with a tray of French pastry in his hand

He was deferential, ingratiating, concerned for your pleasure, like a waiter with a tray of French pastry in his hand
Mary McCarthy was a renowned American writer and critic known for her sharp wit and incisive commentary on society and culture. In her works, she often portrayed characters who were complex and multifaceted, challenging traditional gender roles and societal expectations. One such character that exemplifies this is the man described as "deferential, ingratiating, concerned for your pleasure, like a waiter with a tray of French pastry in his hand."This description paints a vivid picture of a man who is attentive and eager to please, much like a waiter serving a decadent dessert. The use of the word "deferential" suggests a sense of respect and humility, indicating that this man is willing to put your needs and desires above his own. His ingratiating nature implies a certain level of flattery and charm, as if he is trying to win you over with his attentiveness and charm.
The comparison to a waiter with a tray of French pastry further emphasizes the man's desire to please and delight. French pastries are often seen as a symbol of indulgence and luxury, suggesting that this man is willing to go above and beyond to ensure your satisfaction and enjoyment. His concern for your pleasure indicates a selfless and caring nature, as if his sole purpose is to make you happy and content.
However, beneath this facade of deference and charm lies a deeper complexity. McCarthy's characters are often portrayed as having hidden depths and motivations, and it is likely that this man is no exception. His eagerness to please may mask a deeper insecurity or need for validation, and his ingratiating behavior may be a way of masking his true intentions or desires.
Overall, the description of this man as "deferential, ingratiating, concerned for your pleasure, like a waiter with a tray of French pastry in his hand" captures the complexity and nuance of McCarthy's characters. It serves as a reminder that appearances can be deceiving, and that true understanding requires looking beyond the surface to uncover the deeper truths that lie beneath.