Head Quotes
Text Quotes
I’m someone who lived in a war for five years. I received bombs on my head every day of my childhood. Did that stop me from living? Did that stop me from laughing? (Head Quotes)
I was a child who had a life, who had hopes, and I wished that a bomb would not fall on my head (Head Quotes)
You never know what you’ll want to write until it starts writing itself in your head (Head Quotes)
Scientists are always the ones who head into the ocean, but I want to take writers and politicians, people who can convey the beauty that is there and perhaps do something to take care of it (Head Quotes)
Reciting poetry isn’t acting, it’s memory work. Actor’s are deceivers. People who pretend to be something else for a living aren’t right in the head (Head Quotes)
Patience to faith is like the head to the body. The person who has no patience has not faith (Head Quotes)
Impoliteness is frequently the sign of an awkward modesty that loses its head when surprised and hopes to conceal this with rudeness (Head Quotes)
Solitude is impractical, and society fatal. We must keep our head in the one and our hands in the other. The conditions are met, if we keep our independence, yet do not lose our sympathy (Head Quotes)
I feel that I am doing the minimum amount of damage to other possibilities that may take place in a reader’s head (Head Quotes)
There’s always that fear of your own head and the things you’re going to think (Head Quotes)
By patriotism I mean the welfare of the whole people, if I secure it at the hands of my opponent, I should bow down my head to him (Head Quotes)
Heaping glowing coals on another person’s head is usually misunderstood and comes to nothing because the other person knows just as well that he is in the right and has also given some thought on his own part to heaping coals (Head Quotes)
Nothing can be colder than his head, when the lightnings of his imagination are playing in the sky (Head Quotes)
And I love kick boxing. It’s a lot of fun. It gives you a lot of confidence when you can kick somebody in the head (Head Quotes)
I seen too many guys with land in their head. They never get none under their hand (Head Quotes)
When a problem threatens to engulf you, there’s nothing like irrelevant detail to keep your head above water (Head Quotes)
I could see that making judgments about people so that they are tried and sentenced in your head, without asking them for their perspective, is both unethical and unproductive. So I learned to love real integrity and to despise the lack of it (Head Quotes)
There is nothing sooner overthrows a weak head than opinion by authority, like too strong a liquor for a frail glass (Head Quotes)
Love presses my head with carefully placed feet, wretch that he is, until he has taught me to detest chaste girls, and to live with no counsel (Head Quotes)
When you are lonely or frightened, talk to your guardian angel. You can do it out loud or inside your head, your angel can hear you. Ask your angel to be near you, to put his or her hand on your shoulder, to give you courage and protect you (Head Quotes)
At the end of each meditation session, bow your head toward the ground. Give away your meditation to the universe. Whether you feel you have done well or poorly, simply give your efforts to the universe (Head Quotes)
A good dog never dies. He always stays. He walks besides you on crisp autumn days when frost is on the fields and winter’s drawing near. His head is within our hand in his old way (Head Quotes)
If, at any time, it comes into my head, that a present is due from me to somebody, I am puzzled what to give, until the opportunity is gone (Head Quotes)
Only in novels can we take another human being into our head and create something jointly (Head Quotes)
The most advanced nations are always those who navigate the most. The power which the sea requires in the sailor makes a man of him very fast, and the change of shores and population clears his head of much nonsense of his wigwam (Head Quotes)
It is not worth the while to let our imperfections disturb us always. The conscience really does not, and ought not to monopolizethe whole of our lives, any more than the heart or the head. It is as liable to disease as any other part (Head Quotes)
We often in our misfortunes take that for constancy and patience which is only dejection of mind; we suffer without daring to holdup our heads, just as cowards let themselves be knocked on the head because they have not courage to strike back (Head Quotes)
I do not wish to lose my temper because very shortly I will lose my head. Nevertheless, upon leaving this spark of earthly existence, I have this to say: I shall see you all very soon... very soon (Head Quotes)
I stopped drinking when I had children because I wanted to be awake and aware. I did not want to be going, you know, daddy loves you and then drop my head on the table. I do not want to miss anything that they do or say. It is important to me (Head Quotes)
There is a tricycle in man. He knows, he feels and acts. He has emotion, intellect and will. He must develop head, heart and hand (Head Quotes)