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Headliner Quotes

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If you get to be a really big headliner, you have to be prepared for people throwing bottles at you in the night  (Headliner Quotes) One of the main things we learned as a band in those days was not to be the headliner  (Headliner Quotes) Shows were very different then - even as the headliner we did a very short set by today’s standards and sound systems were really primitive. But the girls made it all worthwhile!  (Headliner Quotes) Over the years, I managed to develop this comedy career, went from opening act to headliner at comedy clubs, to playing concert halls, and had an off-Broadway show with ‘Sleepwalk With Me.’  (Headliner Quotes) When you’re the opener, you’re the guy getting the crowd warmed up. But when you’re the headliner, you’re the main dude. People come to see you, and you have to deliver. It’s a cool position to be in.  (Headliner Quotes) Loretta Lynn, Tammy Wynette, Dolly Parton and I were the first female headliners, where we would book our own opening acts. Before that, it was a standing joke that it was more like we had ‘pretty little girl singers’ opening for a male headliner.  (Headliner Quotes) This is NOT a pretty good business. You cannot be pretty good and be a national headliner. That becomes the allure.  (Headliner Quotes) I worked at comedy clubs - if I can use the term ‘work’ - for several years. I middled at one point. I never made it; I was never a headliner. I never made enough time to write enough good material, in my opinion.  (Headliner Quotes)