Health Care Quotes

Text Quotes
America enjoys the best health care in the world, but the best is no good if folks can’t afford it, access it and doctor’s can’t provide it (Health Care Quotes)
America has the best doctors, the best nurses, the best hospitals, the best medical technology, the best medical breakthrough medicines in the world. There is absolutely no reason we should not have in this country the best health care in the world (Health Care Quotes)
America’s doctors, nurses and medical researchers are the best in the world, but our health care system is broken (Health Care Quotes)
America’s health care system is in crisis precisely because we systematically neglect wellness and prevention (Health Care Quotes)
America’s veterans deserve the very best health care because they’ve earned it (Health Care Quotes)
And I believe that the best buy in public health today must be a combination of regular physical exercise and a healthy diet (Health Care Quotes)
As patients and consumers, we are better informed today about our health care than any previous generation (Health Care Quotes)
By offering individuals ownership and control of their health care coverage, we return control to the patients; and that is exactly where it should be (Health Care Quotes)
Domestic discretionary spending on education and health care and the environment has been growing at 2 to 3 percent a year. He says we have to rein it in, but he ignores the spending category that is the big spike in the budget (Health Care Quotes)
Everyone should have health insurance? I say everyone should have health care. I’m not selling insurance (Health Care Quotes)
Health care does not worry me a great deal. I’ve been impressed by some wonderful old people (Health Care Quotes)
Health care is not a privilege. It’s a right. It’s a right as fundamental as civil rights. It’s a right as fundamental as giving every child a chance to get a public education (Health Care Quotes)
I am opposed to anybody making a decision for you or me or anybody else about what health care plan we should have (Health Care Quotes)
I believe we can incentivize more affordable health care in general by better regulating insurance and creating meaningful competition for health care services (Health Care Quotes)
I don’t think it’s government’s job to find health care for people. I think it’s the individual’s job to find health care (Health Care Quotes)
I feel pretty good. My body actually looks like an old banana, but it’s fine (Health Care Quotes)
I have seen that technology has contributed to improved communication, that it’s contributed to better health care, that it’s contributed to better food supplies, that it has contributed to all the basic human needs (Health Care Quotes)
I never expected in a million years that I would have the honor to become an advocate of women’s health care and education, and I’d dive on a live grenade to get this message out, so thank you for this forum (Health Care Quotes)
I really believe the only way to stay healthy is to eat properly, get your rest and exercise. If you don’t exercise and do the other two, I still don’t think it’s going to help you that much (Health Care Quotes)
I think we do better as a country when we go step by step toward a goal, and the goal in this case should be reducing health care costs (Health Care Quotes)
If your access to health care involves your leaving work and driving somewhere and parking and waiting for a long time, that’s not going to promote healthiness (Health Care Quotes)
In turn, more physicians, hospitals, and other health care providers are severely limiting their practices, moving to other states, or simply not providing care (Health Care Quotes)
It’s one thing to work women into your talking points. It’s another to tell them how you are going to educate their kids, how you are going to ensure they get health care, how we are going to rebuild infrastructure, how they are going to get equal pay (Health Care Quotes)
Modern medicine is a negation of health. It isn’t organized to serve human health, but only itself, as an institution. It makes more people sick than it heals (Health Care Quotes)
My health may be better preserved if I exert myself less, but in the end doesn’t each person give his life for his calling? (Health Care Quotes)
Nurses are an integral component of the health care system, and it is important that we recognize the over 2.7 million registered nurses for the significant work that they do (Health Care Quotes)
Poverty is multidimensional. It extends beyond money incomes to education, health care, political participation and advancement of one’s own culture and social organisation (Health Care Quotes)
Property may be destroyed and money may lose its purchasing power; but, character, health, knowledge and good judgement will always be in demand under all conditions (Health Care Quotes)
Some of the best health care services are free or cost very little and are even available to millionaires but hardly anyone knows they exist (Health Care Quotes)
The high price of health care in this country is a serious issue that demands serious attention. Putting limits on damages have little or no effect on skyrocketing malpractice insurance rates (Health Care Quotes)